Chapter 18: Bad Dream

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Y/N's POV:

I walk into the apartment and hear laughing coming from Shayne's room, but it's not just his laugh, it's a female's too. I slowly make my way over to his room and open the door. And there I see Shayne and girl in his bed, but I can't see her face. I just stand there in disbelief, stunned, and frozen.

"Oh." I say quietly.

Shayne jerks his head back to look at me and jumps out of bed, running after me as I leave the room.

"Y/N wait!" Shayne shouts.

I turn around to face him, "Seriously?" I ask, almost in a laugh, "I mean, seriously. This? What could've ever gone through your mind to think this was a good idea?"

Shayne rubs his forehead, "I know, I know... You can yell and scream at me all you want-"

"Why would I yell and scream at you?" I ask, "Why would I waste my breath on you?"

"Y/N... please." Shayne says.

"I hope she makes you happy. Happier than I apparently ever did." I say, almost in a whisper, fighting back tears.

"Y/N you make me happy! Please..." He says.

"Shayne... just stop." I leave the apartment and let the tears run down my face. I keep hearing my name being said over and over again.

"Y/N... Y/N wake up! Are you okay?" I hear Shayne ask in his groggy sick voice.

My eyes shoot open and I can feel my face is wet. I'm laying in Shayne's bed... it was a dream, or more so a nightmare I guess... thank goodness.

"Y/N are you alright? What's the matter?" Shayne cups my face with his hands and wipes my tears away.

I pause for a moment before answering, trying to catch my breath, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

Shayne props himself up on his side, looking at me better, "What happened? You were saying my name and you were crying, it had to be pretty bad."

"No... it was actually pretty stupid now that I think about it." I reply.

"Well still, what was it?" Shayne asks.

"You uh... you cheated on me." I say quietly, kinda embarrassed at the fact I had a dream like that.

Shayne pulls me into his arms and kisses my cheek, "I would never." He whispers.

"I know." I say so quietly I'm not even sure if he would be able to hear it.

"Good." Shayne whispers and kisses my neck.

I smile, suddenly feeling a whole lot better, almost completely forgetting the dream. Shayne nuzzles his head into my neck and as we're about to fall back asleep, the alarm on my phone goes off.

Shayne and I groan simultaneously and I reach for my phone to shut off the alarm.

"How are you feeling? Do you think you should take another day off to rest or are you okay to go into work?" I ask.

"I don't know yet... I'm gonna take some more medication and then see how I feel." Shayne replies.

"Okay, well I have to go in today, I believe we're filming a sketch today which means I have to be assistant director." I give him a quick kiss and get out of bed. I throw on my robe and go into my room to get dressed. I put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black crop top. I brush my hair and put it up in a ponytail with a few strands of hair hanging out in the front.

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