Chapter 12: Mic Packs

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Shayne's POV:

Y/N and I have a pretty good thing going. We're like roommates with benefits (but not like benefits benefits if you know what I mean). We still are just roommates and go about our lives comfortably with each other; with some occasional flirting, it's nice. Only Damien knows there's anything going between us because we don't even fully know what's going on between us, or if anything is going to evolve in that matter. Most days I don't see Y/N too much at work because she's busy editing but sometimes she joins the squad for lunch or something because the whole squad really likes her. She occasionally does some production stuff or joins us in videos but that's only like once a week.

I walk into the studio and see Y/N talking with Matt Raub and Ryan Todd. They seem to be having a serious discussion and she's nodding along to whatever they're saying. Y/N turns around writing something down on her little clipboard and spots me when she looks up.

"Hey," I say walking over to her, "What are you doing here?" 

"I'm the assistant director today." Y/N beams.

"Oh awesome... what exactly do you do? I've never understood that." I laugh.

"Well, I keep track of the timelines and schedules we have for filming, I help keep all the cast and crew organized, prepare actors and equipment for filming, arrange logistics, make sure no one gets hurt, and a crap ton of other stuff." Y/N says and I can tell she's proud of it.

"Sounds like you've got your plate full today." I say.

She nods, "Yep! I wouldn't want to do this every day but it's nice to do this instead of editing once in a while." Y/N checks her watch, "You need to get to hair and makeup. I'll get your mic pack ready for you in the meantime, okay?"

"Right. Yeah, thanks." I nod and head off to hair and makeup where Noah and Keith already are.

As I'm getting my hair touched up Y/N comes in with three mic packs and puts one on each Keith and Noah. She then comes over to me as my hairstylist walks away and I stand up. Y/N crouches down beside me and attaches my mic pack to the back belt loop of my pants. She then turns me around and lifts up my shirt to feed the wire through my shirt and attaches the mic to the collar of my shirt. Feeling her hands brush against my bare torso sends a small chill down my spine. As she adjusts my shirt and stands up fully I notice she's actually quite close to me. Our faces are only a few inches apart but neither of us seem to care.

"Uh, I'll direct you for when you need to turn it on. Some scenes we'll be using the boom but for the more mobile scenes you'll be using the pack." Y/N says softly, still not stepping away.

"Okay, thanks." I say breathily.

Y/N nods slowly and then checks her watch again. She steps away and then practically runs out of the room, "Five minutes Shayne!" She calls.

"Got it!" I call back.

She disappears out of the room and I adjust my collar in the mirror before heading out onto set. We're filming a sketch today about a power outage in the office. Basically it starts with us 'filming' a Squad Vlog and then the power goes out and one by one we disappear, eventually the power turns back on and we see everyone around the breaker panel and Ian is kissing a pigeon.

"Alright people! Let's get shooting!" Ryan Todd announces.

"Scene one, Shayne, Courtney, Olivia, Keith, Noah, Matt Raub, and some of the crew with the fake equipment, you know who you are." Y/N shouts.

Our operator steps forward with the clapper board and holds it in front of the camera, "Scene one, take one, mark!"

The squad and I start acting like we're playing cards against humanity and the camera is getting a wide shot of the couch we're sitting on and the stand-in cameras and film equipment that we're acting like we're talking to.

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