Chapter 20: Carnival

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(A/N: If you don't know what any of these rides are just look them up so it makes sense. I know some of them go by a couple of different names but I tried to use the most generic ones I know. Anyway, enjoy this chapter! <3)

Y/N's POV:

Damien, Shayne, and I walk into the office and Ian approaches us.

"Hey, guys! I am sending you away today." Ian smiles.

"Uh, okay. Where are you sending us?" Damien asks.

Ian smiles wider, "To do a Squad Vlog at-"

"Hold up," I cut him off, "I'm not a part of the squad, am I going or are you just talking to them?"

"Technically I'm not a part of the squad either." Damien points out.

"You three, Courtney, Olivia, Noah, and Keith are going. Along with Sarah and Kevin as video management. Y/N you're going because remember, you being a personality is part of your job description now." I nod and Ian continues, "Anyway, you're going to that carnival downtown. You leave in half an hour, have fun!"

Ian walks away and Shayne shrugs, "Better than being stuck in the office all day."

Courtney and Olivia walk up to us and both link arms with me.

"Are you excited about your first official Squad Vlog?" Courtney asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be great. Beats editing." I reply.

"Don't worry, you'll probably end up editing it." Olivia laughs.

"We'll catch up with you guys in a little bit to go. We're gonna go find Noah and Keith." Damien says and he and Shayne wander off.

Courtney, Olivia, and I go into the kitchen and we each get a cup of coffee. We just hang out there and talk until Shayne texts me telling me it's time to go. We go into the parking lot and find Sarah, Kevin, Keith, Noah, Damien, and Shayne standing by two vehicles, one of which is Kevin's and one is Sarah's.

"Alright, you guys! Load up!" Sarah says happily, "You can choose what vehicle you go in, it really doesn't matter."

"Are you gonna come with me?" Shayne asks me.

I think for a moment, ""

"Why not?" He pouts.

"I'm gonna go with the girls in Sarah's vehicle. We're filming, we can't let on that we're a couple, Shayne." I point out.

"Fine, you're right. But I bet my vehicle is going to beat yours." He laughs and runs over to get in Kevin's van.

"What?! I don't have any control over that!" I shout.

"That's the point!" Shayne shouts back.

I climb into Sarah's car with Courtney and Olivia, and Sarah hands us the vlog camera, "Kevin has the other one so the boys are probably vlogging the car ride. You guys can too if you want."

Courtney takes the camera and turns it on, "Guess where we're going today!"

"A carnival- fair, thing. I actually have no idea what it's called." Olivia says.

"Yeah, that. We are in the cool vehicle with Sarah, myself, Olivia, and Y/N!" Courtney says panning to all of us and stopping at me.

"The boys are in their stupid large van. Sarah's tiny car is obviously way better." I say.

"Tiny cars represent!" Sarah shouts.

After a little bit, we arrive at the carnival place and park beside Kevin's van which arrived a moment before us. We all get out of the vehicles and Shayne walks up to me.

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