Chapter 21: Three Words

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Shayne's POV:

Me, Courtney, and Damien are all sitting in the studio waiting to start filming. Damien and I just finished recording a SmoshCast and now we're doing a punishment cup pong challenge video.

"There's only three of us, how are we doing cup pong with three people?" Courtney asks Sarah.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to tell Y/N I wanted her in this video. Shayne, can you go get her?" Sarah asks.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I nod and leave the studio.

I make my way through the building and into the office area. I quietly walk up to Y/N's desk without her noticing me and I look at her computer screen. She's editing the Squad Vlog of the carnival from last week.

I grab her headphones and carefully lift them off her head. She looks around quickly and then sees me.

I smile, "Hey."

"Hi, what's up?" Y/N smiles too.

"I see you did end up getting stuck with editing the Squad Vlog." I laugh.

"Yeah, I don't mind though. This way I can just edit out any parts I look bad in, aka I won't be in this video at all." She chuckles.

"Not true, you always look good." I kiss her forehead and she smiles, "Oh right, I came over here for a reason. You are wanted in the studio for a video."

She looks confused, "I wasn't told I was filming today, what video is it?"

"Punishment cup pong. Me, Damien, and Courtney are in it too." I reply.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, let's go." Y/N stands up and we walk to the studio together.

By the time we get there the cup pong table is all set up and so is all the equipment.

"Hey Y/N, I'm really sorry about the short notice on filming. I meant to tell you earlier but it completely slipped my mind." Sarah apologizes.

"It's totally fine, I can deal with short notice." Y/N smiles.

We join Courtney and Damien in front of the cameras and gather around the table.

"Cameras are rolling. Whenever you're ready." Sarah says.

We nod and Damien starts the intro, "What's up gamer girls-"

Courtney cuts him off, "Nope."

Damien sighs, "What's up... Smosh Pit watchers."

"There you go." Courtney laughs.

"Today we are doing a party favourite, beer pong! But without the beer. Instead, we are doing punishment pong." Damien continues, "Inside each of these cups is a little piece of paper with a punishment written on it. When a team gets a shot in that cup, one member of the opposing team has to do that punishment."

"That's right Damien," I say in an announcer's voice, "The first team to get all of the other team's cups gone, wins."

"Okay! Let's do this!" Courtney smiles.

"Uh, how are we deciding teams? Or did you guys already decide them when I wasn't here yet?" Y/N asks.

"Oh right! We're pulling straws. The two longest straws go together, and the two small straws go together. And to deal us these straws, we have the lovely Sarah Whittle!" Courtney says and Sarah walks on set with four straws, the lengths covered by her hands.

"Okay you guys, let the straws decide your fate!" Sarah holds out the straws to us and we all grab one. Mine is really short.

"Aw man, mines tiny." I say.

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