Chapter 7: Evenings Like This

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Shayne's POV:

I walk into the apartment, Chinese food in hand, and see Damien sitting on the couch.

"Hey man, I'm back." I say.

"Did they have chicken fried rice?" Damien asks eagerly.

I hold up one of the take-out containers, "Yep."

"Nice!" Damien jumps up off the couch and takes the container from me.

"Where's Y/N?" I ask.

"In her room." Damien replies, stuffing his face with chicken fried rice.

As I get closer to Y/N's room I can hear music playing, specifically 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift.

I knock on her bedroom but she doesn't answer, so I open it slowly and peek inside. I smile to myself when I see Y/N dancing around in an oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts seemingly having the time of her life. It's quite adorable. I stand in the doorway leaning up against the doorframe watching her dance. I figure I'll just watch until she sees me, because I really don't know if I can take my eyes off her.

The song ends and she stops dancing. She flops down on her bed and I catch her eye. She screams and falls off her bed. While laughing I rush over to her and hold out my hand.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask, still laughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Y/N says and takes my hand. I hoist her up and she brushes herself off, "How long have you been there?"

"Just since the second verse." I smirk.

Her cheeks turn bright red and she avoids my eyes, "Must've been quite the sight."

"Yeah. It was. It was pretty cute." I say, "When I first came in my intention was just to tell you I'm back with the Chinese food."

"Right. Thanks." Y/N smiles with her cheeks still pink.

I follow her out of her room and we grab the Chinese food off the table and join Damien on the couch. I sit beside Damien and Y/N sits beside me.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Damien asks, flicking the channels.

"Stop right there!" Y/N says when Damien reaches a certain point, "The Notebook is on. Have you guys ever seen it?"

"No, and I don't plan on it." I laugh.

"C'mon! Please!" Y/N says, dragging out the 'please'.

Damien sighs, "I'm down."

"It's two against one! We're watching it." Y/N says.

Damien clicks on it and restarts it. Y/N leans back in her seat and pulls her knees up, watching the screen intensely, "Get ready for the best two hours and four minutes of your life."

"Two hours? Oh my gosh." I sigh.

"And four minutes." Damien laughs.

The movie plays and we continue eating our Chinese food. It doesn't take long for someone to start crying, and that someone is Damien. He puts his empty takeout container on the coffee table with silent tears streaming down his face. I look at Y/N who has her hand over her mouth and also has tears streaming from her eyes to her cheeks.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.


"I KNOW! I'm watching the movie too!" I reply, "Y/N? How ya doing?"

Y/N still has her hand over her mouth and her eyes a squinted and glassed over. She removes her hand from her mouth briefly, "I'm fine." She chokes out.

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