Chapter 6: The First Edit

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Y/N's POV:

Monday. Most people's most hated day of the week. And I usually hate Mondays too, but today it is my favourite day of the week because I start my job at Smosh. Am I nervous? Yes. I am excited? Yes.

Shayne knocks and walks into my room as I'm putting in my studded earrings. I don't wear earrings that often but I decided to put them in today so my holes don't grow over.

"Hey, are you ready to go? Damien's driving." Shayne asks.

"Yep!" I stand up and Shayne gives my outfit a once over. I'm wearing black jeans and a button-up shirt to look professional. "What?" I ask.

"You look great but lose the button-up shirt, we're not that fancy at Smosh." He laughs.

"You're literally wearing a button-up shirt right now." I cross my arms.

"Yeah but this is a casual button-up, it has lemons on it!" He says.

Shayne walks over to my closet and pulls out a white boxy crop top with "No." written on the upper left corner, "Put this on."

I take the shirt and Shayne turns around so he's not facing me. I unbutton my shirt and slip on the crop top.

"Better?" I ask.

Shayne turns around and looks me up and down, "Perfect. You look beautiful, now let's go." He gives me a playful wink and leaves my room. I follow him out of the apartment and down to Damien's car where Damien is waiting.

"There you guys are! Now get in!" Damien exclaims.

"Sorry, I had to dress Y/N." Shayne laughs.

"Ha ha." I say sarcastically, "I just wanted to look good!"

"And thanks to me you do." Shayne smiles.

Shayne gets shotgun and I climb into the back seat behind Damien.

"Are you excited for your first day?" Damien asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, also kinda nervous, but it's all good. And thank you guys again for getting me this job." I smile.

"No problem Y/N/N." Shayne says.

We pull up to the office and I take a deep breath before getting out of the car. As I'm walking between Shayne and Damien they both link arms with me.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"We are one now." Damien says in a deep robotic voice.

"You can never leave Smosh." Shayne says in the same type of voice.

"Okay then." I say and accept the linking of arms. We walk into the office and the boys don't unlink their arms with mine, instead, they lead me up to Ian.

"Ian. We have captured her. She is now property of Smosh!" Damien says raising his free hand up to his forehead to salute.

"Do we get cookies now? Sir!" Shayne says, doing the same.

Ian rubs his hands together mischievously, "Very good my minions. You will find cookies in the conference room."

Shayne and Damien unlink their arms and go back to their normal selves.

"Really? There are cookies in the conference room?" Shayne asks excitedly.

"Yeah, help yourselves." Ian replies and the boys rush off.

"Have a good first day Y/N!" Damien shouts while running.

"Alright Y/N, I'll show you to your desk." Ian smiles.

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