Chapter 10: Family Outing

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Y/N's POV:

*Beep Beep Beep*

Frickin alarms. I groan and roll over in my bed to shut off my alarm which I must've forgotten to turn off from yesterday. Alarms aren't supposed to go off on Saturday's. I rub my eyes and look out my window to see the sun starting to come up. 7am. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep but it's no use. I'm already awake.  I sit up with my back against my headboard and grab my phone off my charger. Nothing better to wake up to then scrolling through arguments on Twitter. As I continue scrolling through Twitter I see Shayne has tweeted something.

Shayne Topp @supershayne

Why do feelings exist? Like, can they just go away? Please?

I immediately favourite it because, same. I comment on it, "Mood". I wonder what compelled him to tweet that?

"Are you stalking me on Twitter?" Shayne shouts.

"No, why are you awake?!" I shout back.

"I'm always awake this early!" He replies.

"Well, you shouldn't be! It's Saturday." I say.

"I'm a morning person!" He says.

"I'm not so shut the heck up!" Damien shouts.

"Sorry Dames!" Shayne and I say in unison.

I turn my attention back to my phone only for Shayne to suddenly walk into my room like it's nothing. He's wearing what he wears every morning, no shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Um hi?" I laugh.

"Hey." Shayne smiles and flops down on the foot of my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm laying on your bed." He replies.

"Well duh, but why?" I laugh.

"Do you not like my company?" Shayne pouts.

"You know what? Nevermind. Welcome to my room." I say.

"That's more like it." He smirks.

I roll my eyes and we just sit in silence on our phones. After about ten minutes Damien walks in.

"Goodmorning folks." Damien says.

"Why are you up? I thought you weren't a morning person." I say.

"I'm not but you guys woke me up and I can't just fall back to sleep." Damien says and flops down next to Shayne at the foot of my bed.

I sigh, "So this is what's happening now? You guys are just gonna hang out in my room?"

"Yep." Shayne smiles.

"Okay well, I need to get dressed so..." I raise my eyebrows.

"Go ahead." Shayne says.

I cross my arms and he turns his head to look at me, "Fine. I guess we'll leave." Shayne pushes Damien off my bed and they both leave the room.

I throw on some ripped jean shorts and a black lacy crop top. I run a brush through my hair and then dutch braid it. I don't really feel like doing my makeup today so I just quickly do my eyebrows, and put on mascara and lipgloss.

I walk out of my room and straight to the fridge to grab the overnight oats that I made last night. I sit down next to Damien on the couch with my oats and he turns on the TV. Anime comes on and I groan.

"Please change the channel." I say.

"What?! What could possibly better than anime?" Damien says like he's hurt that I would even suggest changing the channel.

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