Chapter 15: The Talk

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the sound of something sizzling and immediately smell bacon. When I open my eyes I realize I'm still sleeping on the couch on top of Shayne with his arms wrapped around me. I smile and nuzzle my head against his chest a little. He hums and rubs his hand up and down my back.

"Good morning." He says in his morning voice. I smile at the sound of it.

"Good morning." I say quietly.

"Oh good, you two are awake. I'm frying some bacon if you guys want some." Damien says from the kitchen.

"I could eat some bacon." Shayne says.

"Same." I mumble.

"Alright Y/N, I have to get up which means you have to get up." Shayne says, playing with my hair.

I shake my head and don't move off of him.

He chuckles, "C'mon Y/N, if I don't get up now I'll never get up."

"Good." I mumble into his chest, "It's Saturday, you're not supposed to get up."

He laughs and somehow manages to sit up with me still on top of him. I keep my arms around him and my head on his chest and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Okay, we've made no progress." Shayne laughs.

"Mhmm." I hum.

Shayne stands up and I loop my arms behind his neck so I don't fall.

"Hey buddy, you seem to have a little something right here." Damien says pointing to his torso.

"Yeah, no kidding." Shayne laughs, "I'm putting you down."

Shayne grabs my arms and take them from behind his neck but still holds them so I don't just fall. He leans over the couch and sets me down. I laugh and keep my legs wrapped around his waist, actually, they're more around his hips at this point. Shayne smiles as he moves my legs and stands up straight again.

"Alright now give me that bacon." Shayne laughs and walks over to the kitchen counter.

I yawn and get up off the couch. I walk over to the boys and grab a strip of bacon. As I take a bite of my bacon I check my phone and see I have a few messages from the Smosh Chicks group chat.

Smosh Chicks

Courtney Miller

I want to drink tonight. Who's down?

Olivia Sui


Sarah Whittle

Ugh I'd love to but tonight is date night with Claudio

Courtney Miller

That's alright, have a good date night!

Monica Vasandani

I'm down

Mari Takahashi

Count me in

Courtney Miller


Y/N are you up yetttttt?? Answer meeeeee


I just woke up lol but yeah sure, I'll go drinking

Courtney Miller

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