Chapter 3: Moving In

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Y/N's POV:

Shayne and Damien should be here any minute to help me move into their apartment. We've hung out a couple of times over the past two weeks to get to know each other more before I move in. I continue taping up my last few boxes when I hear a knock at my apartment door (I don't have one of those buzzer things, it's every man for themselves in my complex). I open the door and see Damien and Shayne both standing in the doorway flexing their muscles.

"The men have arrived." Damien announces.

"We are strong." Shayne says, hitting his chest.

I laugh, "Well hallelujah. I just need to tape up two more boxes and then I'll be ready."

They come in and look around my now packed up apartment.

"I can say this now that you're moving, this place sucks." Shayne chuckles.

"I know right. When I first moved here I had never lived in an apartment before so I thought it was fine. But it turns out your windows are meant to open." I reply, ripping off the last piece of tape I need, "Okay! I'm assuming you guys have the truck ready?"

"Yep! It's outside and ready to be loaded up." Damien smiles.

"Great. Let's do this!" I snap my fingers twice and point to some large boxes, "You guys can get those ones, they're really heavy." The boys oblige and they each pick up two boxes to carry out to the moving truck. We figured it was cheaper to rent a truck and move everything ourselves instead of hiring people, so that's what we did. I also managed to sell some of my furniture that I didn't need anymore since the boys already furniture in their apartment.

I grab a large box full of my clothes and follow the boys outside. We slide the boxes into the truck and then head back up to my apartment.

"One trip done, a crapload more to go." I laugh.

We continue making a bunch of trips and once most of the boxes are out of the apartment Damien climbs into the back of the truck to organize them all and take them from Shayne and I. Shayne follows me back upstairs for the last trip. He grabs the last two boxes and I take the apartment keys off of my keyring and leave them on the counter.

"Alright. Goodbye apartment! You really sucked but you treated me well." I do a once over of the empty apartment to make sure we didn't forget anything. I shut off the lights and join Shayne in the doorway.

"You ready?" Shayne asks.

I nod and follow him downstairs. While he and Damien sort out the last of the boxes in the truck I go up to the front desk.

"I'm all moved out, my keys are on the counter as requested." I tell the lady working, she's been here forever but I've never learned her name. She just nods and smiles.

I walk out of the building and join Shayne and Damien who are waiting beside the truck.

"I'm driving." I say.

"Are you sure? Big vehicles like this can be hard to maneuver." Damien questions.

"I got this. Now give me the keys." I laugh. Damien hands me the keys and I climb into the driver's seat. Damien sits in the passenger's seat and Shayne crouches between us, not exactly the safest thing, but there are no other seats.

I pull out onto the street constantly checking my mirrors so I don't hit anything and begin driving to my new apartment. A red light comes up so I halt to a stop and Shayne falls backward.

"Are you alright?" I ask, laughing.

"I'm good." Shayne laughs, pulling himself back up to his feet. He puts his arm around the back of my seat to steady himself.

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