Chapter 19: Filming In The Park

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Shayne's POV:

Y/N parks her car next to Matt Raub's vehicle and we all get out. The larger vehicles with all the equipment pull in right after us and the crew immediately starts setting everything up. There are some random people in the park which makes it kinda awkward, but you get used to it.

Once everyone has arrived Ryan Todd starts giving instructions.

"Okay! Crew, continue setting up for scene one, come to me if you have any questions and I will also be helping out with setting up and well, directing you!" Ryan Todd shouts, "Cast, see Y/N for instructions!"

I loop one arm around Y/N's waist and bend over slightly to whisper in her ear, "Look at you, giving instructions." I tease.

She giggles and shakes her head. The cast (myself, Courtney, Damien, Noah, Olivia, Keith, and Ian) all crowd around Y/N waiting for directions.

Y/N checks over her clipboard a couple of times and then scribbles a few things down before she speaks, "Okay guys, Olivia, Courtney, and Keith, you are going to makeup first because it takes longer. Keith, you're becoming Keisha or whatever. Damien, Shayne, you guys go get your first outfit on. That would be your suits. Ian and Noah, you don't actually have to change or anything so after the girls and Keith are done with makeup just go and get your touchups done. Girls and Keith once you're done with makeup, go to wardrobe, and then go to hair. Any questions or problems in between, come see me, don't bother Ryan, he's even busier than I am."

Everyone nods and goes off to do what they were told, I stick around for a second.

"You're like, a professional or something, when did you learn to order people around?" I ask.

"When you were learning how to be a douche." Y/N laughs, "Go get into your suit... Now!" She points her finger towards where wardrobe is set up and I smile and rush off.

Lindsay immediately pulls me into a place to change and hands me my suit, "You're running late, Shayne."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Damien beat you here, normally it's the other way around." She laughs, "Do you know how to put these on, there's an order-"

"I've put on a suit before but thanks." I chuckle and go behind the curtain to put on my suit.

I put on my pants and then my white button-up shirt. As I'm buttoning it up I hear Y/N talking to Lindsay. I stick my head out of the curtain as Y/N is walking by and grab her arm, pulling her behind the curtain with me. I kiss her and at first she's definitely shocked so she doesn't kiss back right away but then she relaxes and kisses me back.

She pulls away and laughs, "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Whoops." I chuckle.

She looks me up and down and sighs. I smirk, "I look that good huh?"

"No, I mean yes, but that's not why I sighed. You buttoned up your shirt wrong." Y/N laughs.

"Oh." I look down at my shirt and see that's she's right. I put the buttons in the wrong holes and now it's uneven.

Y/N begins to unbutton my shirt and I laugh.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing, nothing." I smirk.

"Don't start with me." Y/N laughs as she undoes the last button. She then bends over slightly to grab the bottom of my shirt and buttons it up correctly. She gets to the top and then adjusts my collar.

"Tuck your shirt in." Y/N says.

"Or you could." I smirk.

Y/N raises one eyebrow at me and shakes her head. "Fine, I'll do it myself." I laugh and tuck my shirt into my pants.

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