Chapter 1 - Escape

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Lance POV

"Lance!! Come to the basement in 30, we will resume your training"

"Understood sir... "

My name is Lance McLain, I came from an assassin family and the next head of the business.

Being the only male in the family, I am expected to surpass my father one day and eventually make a name for myself.

I hated it

Expectations. Rules. Restrictions.

I hated it all

I changed into a white tank too with a pair of black jeans, grabbing my blue rifle, two daggers and my wristband.

I made my way down to the basement where my father usually waits for me, he trains me everyday for at least 9 hours a day without any breaks.

If I'm right today is a Friday, meaning it's endurance training.

I put my training weapons down and started stretching


I looked at my father who was in front of me

"Yes sir? " I replied with my normal monotone voice

"Tonight I won't be training with you, I have an important mission that was estimated to be around 3 hours, I suggest you train without me. Your mother and sisters won't be home as well, so you're or your own until morning. I trust that you will resume your training despite my absence. "

"Of course father. "


Escape and you will be free from this house.

No more killing people

That settles that but I need a solid plan first.

Minutes later

"Stay safe sir... " I bowed as my father walked out of the door with his gear and comrades.

I checked the house to find that my mother and sisters are gone

They must also be in a mission

I walked into my room packing my clothes, shoes and personal items.

My rifle might be too big to bring...

I'll just bring my daggers then.

I looked at my laptop, smiling.

Galaxy Garrison seemed like an Interesting place.

I deleted any information on the laptop and my phone

I looked at my room one last time, left my phone on top of my bed.

I carefully got out of the house and made my way to the station, there I wait for a cab to bring me to the airport.

I grabbed the money I saved from pervious missions before I left, since the reward money we earn is our own.

I made my way to the airport with my passport, and waited for my flight at 10pm

Tonight is the night I change, no more killing, no more blood.

I looked at the clock


I should get ready to board then

The guards scanned my bag and luckily the daggers are made of non-metal material and is completely disguised as a brush and mirror

We had to travel to many places in order to complete this mission so it comes in very handy for this situation

I grabbed my bag and boarded the plane

I walked over to my seat which is a window seat.

I started down and looked at the view

I watched as the plane took off and flew into the sky.

As I watched lights shining from down below, I quickly fell asleep.

Passengers we are now landing at Northern Nebraska.

I woke up to the sound of a female voice through a speaker I woke up to see its still dark but I estimate it to be around 1 or 2 in the morning

I grabbed my bag to get ready to get down from the plane

As I walked down the plane I took a look around me and at this time I actually thought

I actually escaped... I actually flew here

I smiled and made my way over to the exit and rode a car to my final destination.

Galaxy Garrison

I went inside and and I took the file where the acceptance letter is inside.

I planned this ever since father said he will be out for a few hours, I know Galaxy Garrison is looking for an extra recruit as a cargo pilot and I immediately took that chance

It's like everything is meant to be

I made my way into the office

They gave me a key to one of the dorms and I went over there as soon as I was given instructions and my schedule

I already know how to drive and fly stuff, just necessary stuff to make sure I would surpass my father as soon as I can

I went into my room and a person with a wide body frame and brown skin was eating on one of the chairs

On the other side of the room there sat a small guy? Or are they a girl? If they're staying here then they must be a guy, but I have a feeling she has a good reason for cross dressing.

Another skill I picked but from the old man, telling if a person is a male or female. Don't ask why.

The both looked at me and gave a small smile

"Oh hey! You must be my new roommate" The guy said

"Yeah, I'm Lance"

"I'm Hunk! Nice to meet ya! "

"And I'm Pidge, nice to meet ya Lance" The chestnut colored hair 'guy' said

"You're a cargo pilot right? I'm an engineer and Pidge here is a communications cadet. I like to experiment and cook different types of dishes too"

"And I have my interest in technology"
Pidge added

"To be honest I don't have much interests, I'm just a normal boy from Cuba" I replied

"So can we be friends? " Hunk said looking at me smiling, I look over to Pidge, sh-  i mean he also looked at me smiling as if he's saying " Let's be friends too"

I look back at hunk and gave the biggest smile I could

"Of course! I hope we can be good friends, Hunk and Pidge! "

Hunk and Pidge my first every friends

Time skip

"Cadet Lance you'll be promoted to a fighter pilot, I expect you to perform well since one of the best pilots I've worked with got kicked out, you better be a decent replacement"

"I'll do my best sir! "

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