Chapter 10: Friends

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This chapter takes place when the paladins are captured by the galra

Lance is unconscious

Pidge is hurt

Hunk has a bruise on the side of his cheek

Shiro is bleeding

Allura can barely move

Everybody were restrained with cuffs

And now Keith is being dragged away to the the 1st of the six to under go ezor and zethrid's torture.

As Keith was taken away, held up by his arms the paladins could not do anything but watch as they try to cover lance's unconscious body and the youngest of bunch.

The room was silent for who knows how long, until a small groan came from their unconscious friend.

"What happened? " Lance asked groaning and holding his head

The other were silent, surrounding lance as he slowly got up

He looked around the room finding his raven-haired partner

"Where's Keith? " He asked

Again he was asnwered by silence, but that silence was broken by allura

"He was taken by lotor's generals... To be.. " She stopped as she looked down in shame

"He...was what...? " Lance asked shadow covering his eyes

"He's going to be tortured... He volunteered after one of them wanted to torture pidge. " Hunk added

"How long was he gone? " Lance asked slowly getting up on his feet

"To be honest, we don't really know but I estimate it to be around an hour or two. " Pidge said

The room went silent once again, as if it was properly timed. The metal door opened revealing two of the generals holding an unconscious Keith, blood was dripping from his head. Bruises were clearly visible

"Too bad he fell unconscious before we could get any information. No worries, we have 5 more to have fun with" Ezor said with wide grin as zethrid dripped Keith infront of us

Shiro and allura went to check on him, I walked towards his body and scanned the damage they've done.

He had a cut on his forehead where blood seeped out from, bruises were on his lower jaw and a slightly bigger one overlapping his scar

I scanned the other's faces seeing many minor injuries

Lance couldn't call for the white lion's spirit, he used too much of his assistance during the last battle.

He looked down on the ground as his breath sped up, looking at keith's face.

Something inside lance snapped.

They hurt them, I promised to protect them yet I couldn't.

I wasn't strong enough.

I couldn't protect then from those bastards

They hurt my friends, my family.

Therefore, in order to make sure they wont get hurt again.

The enemy must be eliminated.

"Looks like the one in blue armor is awake. " Ezor said

Lance's face was covered in a shadow, he walked over to the nearby wall.

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