Chapter 15: Chains of the past

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"We'll be waiting for you Allura, enjoy your life with coran and Roselle for now. " Haggar said disappearing into the bright light

When everyone woke up they were in the infirmary with bandages feeling numb and body aches. Coran, Matt and Adam were waiting for them to wake up and eventually filled them in with everything that happened to refresh their memory

Lance was sitting on the side of his bed, talking with the team about their victory with a few people coming in giving them their thanks and support.

"Are you sure you didn't want to be with your family allura? I mean, not that I want you dead or anything" Pidge asked

Allura looked sad but for a second but a smile formed on her face

"Im sure they can wait. " She simply replied

The door opened revealing a very familiar man, Lance's father looked at him examining the bandages wrapped around Lance's body

"Time to fulfill your part of the deal, bring any weapons you have I'll wait for you outside the building. " He simply said as he left the room leaving the paladins with a look of shock on their faces.

"Way to ruin the mood, anyways you're seriously not thinking of fighting him right now are you? You're wrapped in bandages! " Hunk said gesturing towards his bandaged arm and head.

"Your father is a real piece of work, I seriously think you should rest up for atleast a day before facing him. " Shiro said

Everyone had a face of worry, they looked at lance expecting him to rest up at least

Lance gave a sigh and rubbed the back of his head as he stood up and looked everybody in their eyes

"Do I have to repeat this a million times? I'll be fine, just trust me. " Lance said walking out if the room after asking coran where his armor and Bayard is at

Everyone shared worried looks as they followed the blue paladin, they were still wearing a plain body suit.

Lance was only carrying his Bayard while his father had an actual steel bullet gun and blades strapped on his legs and ankles

The two were facing each other down in the open sandy area, a crowd started to gather and soon enough everybody was watching this battle

Lance transformed his bayard to his long ranged rifle as he sprinted to take cover, even Keith doesn't know where he could be hiding at this point.

"You still use a sniper rifle? You haven't changed. " His father said sprinting to his left and throwing two knives which slightly grazed lance's cheek, not deep enough to scar but enough to draw blood.

Lance fired back with his rifle aiming at the larger man's feet, but his father swiftly dodged and lunged towards lance

Lance grunted as be transforms his bayard and quickly ran to create distance between them

The paladins were shocked with the intensity of the battle, the aura surrounding the area scrdamed bloodlust. It's like they literally want to kill each other

Lance grunted as he pulled up his shield to cover himself from the steel bullets

If he gets hit with even one bullet it's practically game over without Lance's speed

As the firing stopped, lance fired back with his assault rifle successfully hitting the left arm. Which was good since his father was left handed, it should limit him for quite a bit.

The taller man dropped his rifle, he simply lunged at lance with his following speed, dagger in his right hand.

Lance gasped in surprise at the sudden move but successfully blocked the attack with his shield. Transforming his bayard into the altean broadsword flashing at the man, but he saw through his movements and quickly backed off.

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