Chapter 17: 1 Year

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It's been 1 year since they defeated the galra, today was the day they would all meet in one place. Lance sees pidge in garrison every now and then, hunk comes to visit sometimes. Lance sees Shiro almost everyday but rarely talks to him due to work, allura and coran comes by a few times a month.

And Keith, he's on his way from a mission with the blade. He left 3 months ago but still calls lance when he can.

Lance has his own office in garrison, he settled in for a more subtle job that could still give him time to visit and check the lions and give them their monthly cleaning.

He decided to work in garrison's infirmary, it was a fairly easy job with a reasonable pay. Plus they allow him to live at garrison after he asked the higher-ups, they happily agreed since lance helped them a lot.

"There we go, your arm will be just fine. And you, avoid any rough physical activities for at least a day. I'll send your supervisor a note, can I ask theie name? " Lance asked grabbing a piece of paper and a pen

"Oh uhm, his name's sir Takashi shirogane" The boy said

Lance blinked in surprise as he put down his paper and pen on the table

"Both of you can go back now, I have a meeting with sir shirogane and the others later, I'll inform him then. " Lance said standing up from his seat and opening the door of his office

"Don't fight anymore alright? It's the 3rd time this week! " Lance added rubbing one of the boy's head

"No promises! See ya sometime sir lance! " The boy waved

"Oh! And today is your 1 year celebration right?? And you're meeting with the other paladins! That's so cool! We'll be leaving now!! Thank you so much! " The other boy yelled as we waved and then running off

Lance sighed as he closed his door and made his way to his desk, sitting down on his cushioned chair and started writing reports and doing paperwork

I knock came from his office door as a man walked in, he was in his mid 40's .

"I'll finish the rest, we just received message your boyfriend is about to go through the teludav. You should go ahead and celebrate with your friends." He said with a warm smile

Lance smiles back at the man as he stood up and made his way to his room, thanking the older man on his way out.

He opened the lock to his room and quickly got changed into a long sleeved blue shirt, the collars and sleeves folded neatly.

He wore black pants with white rubber shoes to go with his shirt

Lance looked in his room for a while, looking at the picture frame of his family, then looking at another picture frame which had a photo of him and his friends.

He smiled and walked out of the door, on his way to the meeting place he was greeted by many of the cadets and officers

When he arrived on their meeting place, lance smiled at the sight of hunk placing food in the middle of the table.

Pidge still on her tablet as usual but still talking to hunk, they noticed lance and quickly waved at him with excitement.

Lance waved back as he made his way to his two friends

"Lance!! Nice to see ya! How have you been? " Hunk asked hugging the Cuban

"Great to see ya too hunk! You too pidge! " Lance said back as soon as hunk released him from his hug

"We just saw each other 2 weeks ago lance! " Pidge said as we giggled at her comment

"Whatcha working on? " Lance asked peeking at the tablet pidge was focusing on

"I just need to finish this, I'm almost done. It's a report for the adjustments on the atlas " Pidge replied adjusting her glasses

"You guys are here early" A familiar voice said

Lance turned his head towards the owner of the voice, seeing the familiar faces of Shiro, allura and coran smiling

Everyone was talking to each other waiting for hunk to calm them for dinner and they were still waiting for Keith.

A purple glow appeared on the sky as a ship flew through and safely landed on the ground

Lance watched the ship open their hangar, his eyes widened at the sight of the familiar body structure.

Keith walked out looking towards the group with a smile waving at them, Keith was still in his blade uniform and signaled the team to wait so he can change clothes.

They sat on the table waiting for the half galra man to join them.

Keith joined them on the table wearing a red coat with a black shirt under and dark blue jeans to go with.

Lance gave Keith a peck on the cheek and Keith did the same to his boyfriend

They started eating dinner a few minutes later, talking and laughing as they ate

"How was the mission Keith? " Shiro asked

"Cleaning up after zarkon and haggar is a real pain in the butt, but we managed to support the planets that were under zarkon's rule" Keith answered

More jokes and laughter filled the surrounding air

"By the way lance, how are the lions doing? I haven't seen them in a while. " Coran asked

"I've been cleaning and talking to them every now and then, they allow me to pilot them sometimes so they can stretch. Plus, Iverson sometimes requests me to do a few performances for interviews" Lance replied

"Really? You can pilot the other lions? " Allura asked

"Yeah, but that's because I can't fly red all the time, it wouldnr be fair to the others. " Lance said

"Oh! By the way shiro, you're in charge of that Luke kid right? Go easy on him, he's still not allowed to do rough activities. " Lance added

"Yeah, I sent him and Nico to your office earlier. They had another argument and ended up in an accident during the flight simulator" Shiro sighed rubbing his temples

The others giggled at the reply

"Oh!! I know! We should all head over to the lions after dinner! It's been a while since I saw them, maybe we could even fly them " Hunk exclaimed earning agreements and nods from the others

When they finished dinner they walked over to where the lions were kept and agreed to give garrison a little show to remember

They flew their lions over the large structure, Shiro inside with Keith and coran with allura

They smiled as cadets and officers came out and watched in awe as the lions danced through the sky with grace

One by one the lions landed in from of the crowd, all of them coming out of the lion's mouth to greet the garrison residents

Lance was talking to one of the cadets when an odd man walked up to him, lance had a feeling he wasn't here for an autograph

He could feel the man's aura and lance for sure did not like it

The man put his hand on Lance's shoulder

"Can I help you? " Lance asked staying as calm as possible despite his instincts

"LanceMcLain right? May I talk to you in private? " He asked

Lance nodded as he followed the man through the crowd and finally they were alone

The man forcefully grabbed Lance's wrist in a tight hold, lance tried to pull away but failed as he saw a gun pointed towards his head.

"Lance McLain you are arrested for Assassination and Murder, I am agent 206 nickname: Wolf. "

Next Chapter

Chapter 18: Colors (Final Chapter)

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