Chapter 5: Zarkon

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This chapter is when the team managed to defeat zarkon and shiro's disappearance. Still in Lance's POV

"Keith, are you doing okay? " I asked

Looking at the state he's in, it was a stupid question. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, his hair is even messier and he had dark bags under his eyes.

"Yeah... I'm fine. " He said walking past me looking down on the floor

As if by instinct, I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me, I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Don't 'I'm fine' me, clearly you are not okay. Look man, I know what happened to Shiro was unfortunate, all of us were greatly affected by his loss and don't get me wrong you're not the only one suffering here. But if you don't man up and start getting serious Shiro wouldn't be very happy to see you like this. "

He stared at me in surprise, eyes slightly widening. As I realized my face was too close too his, I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly backed off.

We stood in silence for a short while

Well this is awkward

I took a glance at Keith who was still standing there looking down at the floor, when I suddenly saw tears fall from his face.

Oh shi-

I quickly went over to confirm him, perhaps I said too much.

"Uhm okay calm down for a sec- ah shoot look I'm sorry uhm do u say too much??? Oh god what do I do? " I panicked as I held him close to me

"N-no no it's fine... " He said in a quiet voice

Then he looked up at me, tears still in high eyes and a small smile formed on his face

"Thank you lance. "

He hugged me, I never saw Keith like this I felt my face heat up once more as he nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck

"If you ever mention this to anyone, even the mice. I'm not gonna hesitate to cut down your door. " He said

Yep still Keith

"Alright buddy." I put my hand on top of his head patting his hair gently

Soon after I felt his body go limp, I caught his body and looked at his face, his eyes were closed and his breathing was in a solid rhythm.

He fell asleep, that's cute.
Wait wha-Ugh not now gay thoughts!!

I carried him to his room and placed him down on his bed, his room was a mess.

I put a blanket on his body and stared at his face.

Losing shiro is really hurting you huh?

I moved closer to him, my hand making it's way towards his forehead moving his black hair to the side.

I didn't know what I was thinking then, I felt my face burning up as it moves closer to his. I kissed Keith on his forehead and whispered

"Don't hurt yourself kay? Cuz I-"

I stopped myself from saying it as I processed what I just did as my face heated up even more. I ran out his room and pretended nothing ever happened

Keith POV

When I hugged lance, a suddenly my body felt warm, my chest constricted and I felt relaxed. Soon, the lack of sleep caught up to me and I drifter to sleep still holding on to Lance.

While I was asleep I felt a gentleman touch on my forehead. Warmness filled my body, i can't describe this feeling.

"Don't hurt yourself kay? Cuz i-"

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