Chapter 14: Round 2

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"We need to form voltron! Let's go! " Allura yelled through the coms as the other paladins hummed a sound of agreement, Keith however was unusually quiet.

"Wait, what's happening?! We can't form voltron!! " Pidge yelled

"Keith! What's going on?? " Shiro asked from the atlas

He was answered with silence

"Keith? " Hunk asked

"O-oh uhm yeah sorry! " Keith replied

Lance knew what the problem was, haggar's already charging up her next attack and the lions were still unable to form voltron, Shiro and Adam were doing what they could to stop the attack from hitting the lions, but they knew they wouldn't make it, they were too far away.

"Keith." Lance said with a stern voice that made Keith flinch at the tone.

Everybody was silent, listening to the words of the red paladin

"Do you trust me? " Lance asked which made Keith's eyes widen and his brows furrowed

But Keith couldn't say anything, the thought of not seeing lance ever again hurts, just thinking about makes Keith want to cry.

"Keith, do you trust me? " Lance asked again this time with a more serious voice

"Yes. I trust you" Keith gathered up the courage to say those words, gulping as he said them

"There we go, so get your head in the game mullet, the battle isn't over yet. Focus on what's in front you, worry about the future later. " Lance said with a smirk which made Keith smile and he finally cleared his head just in time as haggar's attack was aiming towards them, the lions dodged the attack by spreading out it slightly grazed the black lion on its claws.

"That was close, you alright Keith? " Hunk asked

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry for earlier. My mind is all cleared up now, so let's kick this galra witch's ass" Keith said

The other paladins gave a smile at the leader's words as they merged together forming voltron

As they dodged another attack and lunged towards the galra weapon, the familiar presence flooded their senses as they felt adrenaline flood through their veins, this time it was different.

What they felt is power, before they knew it the atlas merged with voltron.

Everybody was still in awe and confused as to what the hell just happened

A roar echoed through their minds snapping them out of their thoughts and focus on the enemy in front of them.

They landed hit after hit to the enemy, taking equal damage to themselves.

"We have to end this quickly! We can't take on more external damage! " Pidge yelled

As we lunged our sword onto the enemy, they hit us with a critical hit knocking us down but our sword still embedded in the middle of their vessel.

We knew we had to retreat, seeing as though the never pulled out the sword and flew into the sky to retreat.

The atlas separated from voltron and both bodies shut down from damage and exhaustion.

"I have a feeling she's not gonna give up. " Hunk said

"No kidding" Lance replied


"Hey Keith, you alright? " The red paladin asked

"It's about earlier isn't it? I'm sorry about that. " Keith replied watching Shiro and Adam from a distance.

Lance gave a sigh and pulled Keith's face closer to his, he gave a serious look.

"Have faith in me love, I promise to stay with you forever until I die. " Lance said

Keith looked at lance as his eyes glossed and hot tears fell from his eyed

"I-i don't want you to leave! The thought of losing you hurts so much! " Keith shouted pushing his forehead on the other's chest

Lance hugged him back comforting his partner until he eventually calmed down and fell asleep.

Multiple figures walked up to the two who are now sitting on a bench, Keith sleeping on Lance's lap.

"You might wanna explain that sudden outburst earlier" Shiro said

Lance gave a sigh feeling slight deja vu as he explained everything seeing as though he couldn't escape with Keith sleeping on his lap and the excuses he could think of couldn't cover the earlier incident.

"You what?! " Pidge yelled

"Look, it's a fair deal if you ask me. " Lance said

"Still! You didn't tell us about this, except Keith. " Allura added

A small groan escaped from the black paladin's mouth

"Shut up, five more minutes. " Keith murmured shifting his position facing the other way

The others looked at Keith and released giggles, waking up the sleeping Keith confused on what their giggling about.

"Anyways, we have a meeting in an hour concerning haggar's next attack, repairing the damage could take a while. I'm getting Sam to calculate and predict the next attack, we should take this time to rest up and devise the final plan with the data we gathered. " Allura said

"Have mercy on our souls princess we could only take so much. " Lance joked

Allura punched Lance's shoulder in a playful manner as she released more giggles

The fun was interrupted by a tall figure walking towards them, beside him was Veronica.

His eyes landed on lance, seeing as though he got the message he excuses himself from the group and walked towards the man.

"So, is this over yet? " Lance's father said sternly

"No not yet, the enemy retreated and we're having a meeting later to end this war. " Lance replied

"Perhaps we should head back home for the meantime. " He said

"What?? Why? " Lance asked surprised at the other's word

"Don't think im ditching the deal, we need to grab more materials since many of our weapons got destroyed and damaged. " He replied

"I see. " Lance said, the man looked at the red paladin as he huffed and walked off the other direction leaving lance watching as they packed up and boarded the ship

He watched the ship fly off and disappear into the distance, he thought of the past things his father has done to him, now he has the chance to let go and be free from his chains that binds him to his past.

He would be lying if he said he wants nervous at all, earlier when they couldn't form voltron. Keith wasn't the only one unable to focus, but he was too.

He was able to clear his head while trying to clear the black paladin's

Lance would do anything just to get the chance to be free from his past.

Next chapter:

Chapter 15 : Chains of the past

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