Chapter 13: Victory or Defeat

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"Lance we need to talk" Keith said leaning on the door way facing lance who was still getting his wrists wrapped up

Lance raised and eyebrow and gave a sigh, he stood up and thanked the doctor.

"Let's go outside. " Lance said walking past Keith as the black-haired boy followed behind

Lance held his hand out for Keith to hold , Keith obliged and their fingers were intertwined with each other.

Once they were outside taking in the sight of an orange sky with the sun beginning to set.

"Lance, can I ask you something? " Keith said, lance paused and faced keith locking his eyes with the other's

"If it's about the deal with my father, then I'll tell you everything but promise to never spill this information with anybody else. " Lance said

Keith hesitated but nodded in response which made lance smile, not a happy smile but a sad one


"I'm listening. "

"I need to fight in the war, and im sure you know I can break out of these chains, and escape. I let you toy me around as an apology, but now time is running out and I need to get back. "

"Get to the deal. "

"Alright, alright. If you help me get back to Garrison, help defend headquarters, if we manage to win. Let's decide my fate the traditional way. "

"By fate, do you mean staying in this house or not? "

"Of course, what else"

"The deal is clearly in your favor, but seeing as though your escape attempt will be annoying and if the earth is really in the losing side of this space war, it does benefit us both. "

"Yes exactly"

"So in the end it just comes down onto who is far superior than the other, but you have surpassed me in the past. "

"Hey, I've been out of commission for 3 years. "

"Alright, I shall accept your offer. But if I do win you remain in this household and return to your old ways, relinquishing all contact with those people. "

"I accept your terms. "

Flashback end

"Hold on! You're telling me if you lose against your father we won't be able to see you again!? Lance! You know this is a risky deal right? " Keith yelled

"I know, but I needed to get outta there quick" Lance said sticking out his tounge

"But... What if you lose? " Keith said looking down at the ground, shadows from his hair covering his eyes

Lance looked at Keith his a worried face and tightened his grip on the other's hand

He gave a smile and pulled Keith closer towards him, the other released a yelp in surprise

When Keith was about to say something to the cuban, he was cut off when a pair of lips made contact with his.

Keith's face turned red at the action of the other, when their lips parted lance gave a reassuring smile and put his other hand on Keith's cheek

"Don't worry about me, you trust me right? " Lance asked, Keith only have a nod in response as he buried his face on the crook of lance's neck

"By the way, did you contact red to pick you up from Cuba? " Keith asked

"No I was in one of the ships my father stole until I saw red in the distance flying towards us, so I just hopped in and red directed me to you guys" Lance replied

As the sun set, the black and red paladins were laughing and giggling with each other, talking about their experiences and getting to know each other even more,until it became dark and they had to go inside for dinner

"Oh! Lance! I never got the chance to introduce you to Adam" Shiro said as he put his human arm on the shoulder of a man beside him.

"Nice to meet ya! " Lance replied stuffing food into his mouth

They talked and talked the entire time on the dinner table, making jokes and laughing.

"We should get to sleep soon, we have a meeting tomorrow morning. " Allura said

We all replied in agreement and made our way to our rooms, heading our seperate ways.

As lance was heading to his room a figure appeared behind him, it didn't startle lance as much since he knows the familiar presence.

"Lance, I'm sorry I told him about the deal. " Veronica said

"It's fine. They're bound to find out soon enough. " Lance replied continuing to walk to his room leaving the female watching him from afar.

It was 11pm and lance still couldn't sleep, he thought about how stupid the deal he made was.

His thoughts were interrupted when a knock came from the door, his eyebrow raised in confusion as he walked to the door opening it revealing a sleepy Keith with a pillow in his arms.

"Couldn't sleep? " Lance asked

"Nope, you? " Keith asked

"Same." Lance replied rubbing the back of  his head

"Mind if I sleep here? " Keith asked

"Yeah sure, should we share the bed? " Lance asked leading Keith inside

"Much appreciated" Keith simply replied as he flopped on lance's bed adjusting his body facing the wall

Lance smiles at the gesture and laid down on the bed hugging Keith by his waist

"I really don't want you to go.... " Keith said, lance's eyes widened as he got up and looked at Keith, he was sleep talking.

Lance's face turned to a saddened expression as he patted his head.

Lance gave a sigh flopping back on the bed closing his eyes letting the exhaustion take over as he fell asleep.

To lance he had two battles, he can't afford to lose even once.

Next Chapter

Chapter 14: Round 2

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