Chapter 18 (Final Chapter): Colors

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"What a cheesy code name, plus didn't I help save the entire world?? " Lance yelled at the man

The taller man only gruffed as another figure appeared from the shadows

"Forgive my partner here, he's an idiot." A slightly older man said

"I'm still a little lost here" Lance said

"Actually we just wanted to have a word with you, I am here as a representative of an agency for hunting down dangerous killers and assassins such as yourself. " He said

"I see. So what did you want to talk about? " Lance asked leaning on the wall behind him with his arms crossed

"You and your family played a role in saving the universe, therefore we will dismiss your crimes for now. The records of assassinations in Cuba has decreased significantly, the council decided to leave your family be. " He said

"And? " Lance asked, he had a feeling that was not all

"We actually wanted to  hire you. " He said holding out papers that he grabbed from his suit case

"For what? " Lance asked surprised, this was quite unexpected.

An agency dedicated to stopping killers and assassins hiring an assassin?

"With your skills and experience we can easily catch the killers and even go toe to toe with them without replying on numbers. Plus, the payment you get is very high depending on the criminal you catch. " He said as lance started reading the paperwork

Lance sighed when he read the last of the 12-paged papers

"Do I have to decide now? " Lance asked

"No no of course not, you can give us a call when you've decided. This is our contact information, I think it's probably tine for us to go now anyways, we don't want to overstay our visit" The two figures walked away fading into the dark

Lance put the contact information information in his pocket and what back to the large crowd

The paladins agreed to add this to their yearly agenda for the fun and their juniors

The next day was a peaceful one, lance work up early to the sound of his alarm clock, yawning and stretching his arms and feet.

He smiled at the sleeping figure beside him, Keith was still asleep on their bed that they now share.

Last night when they finished giving autographs and pictures with the cadets, they parted ways going back to their usually routine waiting for next year to come again.

He went into the shower and took a hot bath and wore his shorts and T-shirt to avoid getting his work clothes dirty later

Lance heated up some water and went to the fridge to get ingredients to make breakfast

He grabbed some eggs, bacon and bread

Keith woke up with a groan as he got up and massaged his shoulder for a bit before walking to the kitchen where lance was cooking

"Morning!" Lance greeted

"G'morning" Keith said grabbing a cup of coffee

"Go sit on the table, the bacon is almost done and I put some toast on your plate" Lance pointed to the table with his spatula in hand

Keith walked to the table sipping on his coffee and sat down, just in time as lance placed bacon on his plate.

"Looks great, thanks for the food" Keith said

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