Chapter 8: A voice

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Lance POV

Hello red paladin.

What the hell?? Where am I? Who are you?

No need to be worried, my name is not relevant at the moment. But, consider me as part of you now.

Part of me...?

Yes, I wish you would not speak of me to your fellow paladins.

What? Why? And what did you mean by part of me?

I chose you to be my wielder and now you mus-

I woke up in cold sweat dripping from my forehead, I grabbed my brown curls as I wait for the headache to go away.

I remember talking to shiro in a weird place and then seeing white altean markings on my face and white streaks on my hair before passing out inside red.

I frantically looked around to see that I was in my room, my paladin armor beside me.

"Lance! You're awake! God I was so worried you know? "

I looked over to the owner of the voice, standing in front of the door was hunk carrying a bowl of space goo.

"Hey buddy, what happened? " I asked

"You mean you don't remember anything? " He said tilting his head slightly to the side, placing the bowl of space goo on a small table beside me.

I shook my head as a response, looking down on the ground as I once again recalled the things I remember

"We were worried sick! When it was time for breakfast we couldn't find you anywhere, but pidge found you inside red sleeping and we just carried you to your room. "

Ah... So I passed out after that.

"Thanks a lot, sorry for worrying you guys. " I said grabbing the bowl of space goo and shoving a spoon of the green goo inside my mouth

"Come to the control room after you've fixed yourself up a bit. " Hunk said walking out of the room

I gave him a thumbs up as I continued to eat the goo

When hunk left the room, I put aside my bowl and grabbed the communication tablet beside me.

I saw missed calls from Keith

Oh no.

I couldn't call even if I wanted to, he might be in a mission and I couldn't risk it.

I put the tablet down and got myself cleaned up and changed into my paladin armor

The trip to the control room as unusually quiet

As I walked in, I saw everybody talking to someone on a giant telegram.

They turned around and gave a smile of relief as pidge tackled me to the ground

"Nobody told you to use tackle yet pidgey" I said with a smirk getting up from the ground

"Shut up you worry wart. " She replied

"Lance! " My eyes widened at the voice, Keith.

I looked at where the other were standing to see that the person they were talking to was Keith.

"He super worried you haven't replied to his calls and begged the higher ups to actually have permission to call the castle just to ask if you're okay. " Coran said

I giggled at the thought of Keith begging as his face slightly went red but he still tries his hardest to hide it.

This earned us a few smirks and teasings

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