Chapter 6: Swap

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This chapter is when they managed to get 'Shiro' back and Keith going on secret missions with the blade. And after Keith and allura made up after discovering Keith is half galra and allura pilots blue and lance pilots red. Still lance's POV

"Hey... Keith you mind if I talk with you for a second? " I asked

Eversince we got Shiro back I've been thinking that perhaps I should step down from being a paladin, don't get me wrong I'm just doing what I think is best for the team. Besides, I murdered countless people, I don't deserve to be seen as a hero.

"Sure what is it? "

"Well since you're the leader now, I've been thinking I should step down from the team. "

"What?? Why? "

"Look there are reasons that I cannot say but with Shiro back he might pilot black again and you might want to go back to red, and with allura steadily improving with blue, I don't think I could pilot any lions at all, besides I've been thinking about this and I only want what's best for the team. "

"Really? You were the one who got me to pilot black and now the same person is saying that they're stepping down? "

We both stood in silence for a while and I took a deep breath and i answered

"Look, I could maybe help around the castle and besides I have my reasons. "

"And what are those reasons?" Keith said

"Reason I cannot say." I replied crossing my arms

He looked at me and walked over to me then I felt his arms around my torso

"I've been leaving the team for my own personal reasons that I also can't say, and I almost got you guys killed by arriving late. If anyone should be leaving, it's me. " He said

I put my arms to my side and and curiosity got the better of me

"Uh uh and what are those reasons? " Repeating the words he said to me earlier as I looked at him with a smirk

"I asked first. " He said

I looked at him and made eye contact, his eyes looked determined

Oh god I know those eyes, what did I get myself into.

"Are you keeping secrets from me? " He asked

"Ha like you have any right to ask that" I said

Silence filled the air once more
Then Keith reached under his pillow and pulled out a black knife with purple marks. It looked like a galran weapon.

"This blade is from my mother and I've recently found out she part of the blade of marmora, I've been sneaking out to go on missions with the blade after taking their trial. "

Then the blade transformed into a long sword . I looked at it at a lost for words

So this is what's he's been doing?

"Don't tell the others yet, I'm planning on telling them myself, when I leave for the blade. "

"Excuse me what?? You're leaving?? "
I exclaimed

"Yeah... It would resolve the one paladin too many problem and have better connection with the blade. "

"If that's your choice then I won't stand in your way. " I said hiding the sadness in my voice

He's leaving, does he not want to be with me anymore?

"So what now? Should we keep this going? " I asked

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