Chapter 3: Lions

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Lance POV

"Whoaaa this place is huge!! " pidge said wandering all over the place

I look around cautiously for any strange movement

"Stairs? These steps are too small for a lion" Shiro said looking towards a set of white stairs

Suddenly the dark room lit up with a blue glow

Identity scan

A female voice came from nowhere, soon after it said that a ray of light blue light came down from above and hovered on our bodies

"Who are you? What do you want from us? " Shiro said looking to the source of the voice

The room went dark for a moment, then the room lit up bit by bit

Then a big hallway was visible

"Okay so we're going that way" Pidge pointed

We all walked forward with pidge in front of us, at the end we saw a big room with multiple control panels, in the middle was a single control panel

"Looks like a control room" Pidge said walking towards it

As if on cue two pods came out from the floor, inside was a woman with a dark skin tone, light blue hair with markings under her eyes

In the other one, a man with orange hair, a matching mustache with the same markings

The machine that held the woman opened up, as she fell I quickly grabbed hold of her to prevent her from hitting the ground.

"Who are you? What are you doing here" The woman spoke with caution

"My name is Lance. " I spoke not giving much information about myself

She grabbed me by my arm and attempted to put me in an arm lock

I quickly reversed and grabbed her arm restricting her movements but not too rough to cause any damage or hurt her in any way

"Let me go, are you with the galra?" She said struggling

I let go of her and then the other pod opened with a hiss

The orange haired man came out and came at me which I quickly dodged

"You're lucky my legs are asleep from the pods, or else I would've done this and that" Motioning multiple attack positions towards me

"Hm sure sure" I turned my attention towards the woman

"Uhm perhaps if you could tell us your name we could help you. " Shiro said

She looked at us and eventually spoke

"I am princess Allura of Altea, now tell me what are you doing here"

"We don't know ourselves a blue lion just bought us to this place" Shiro answered

"The blue lion? Why do you have the blue lion, unless... " She immediately stood up and made her way to the control panel in the middle, she placed both hands on top and it glowed a light blue color

"Ohhh so that's how it works. " Pidge said

"It can't be... " She said

"What is it?" The other man said

"We've been asleep for 10,000 years. "

Allura explained what happened 10,00 years ago, when her home was attacked led by the galra, how she managed to survive and about voltron

"So there are five of these lions right? How do we find them? " Shiro said

Allura asked us to follow her, we stood in the middle of a room with multiple advanced technologies surrounding us.

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