Chapter 12: Right by my side

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The room was dark but you could still make out the figures if you look close enough, lance's body was aching from being in the same position as before, having his father beat the crap outta him did not help.

It's been roughly 16 hours since the incident at Garrison, the McLain family used two of the ships in order to fly to Cuba, which took less than a few hours with Veronica piloting one and lance's father piloting the other.

Lance is currently covered in gashes, some bleeding, some forming bruises.

Looking at him, his face doesn't even show the slightest hint that he's in pain.

The room was silent, he was still held up by chains.

It's been an hour since his father left, lance was waiting for an opportunity to have a father to son talk.

But he knows he doesn't have much time until the next estimated galra attack on earth.

He was in deep thought until the metal door slammed open, revealing his father and beside him was Veronica.

"Good morning sir, are you feeling better now? " Lance said looking up with a smirk on his face

"Talk." The larger man said with a deep voice, which earned a flinch from Veronica

"You know the earth is literally about to get destroyed right? I need to go back. " Lance said with the smirk still plastered on his face, but inside he was nervous and anxious, the galra could attack at any moment.

"Are you sorry for running away?" The man asked

Lance raised an eyebrow at the question.

"Geez, you don't give up do ya? That's like the 100th time you asked me that. Well too bad for you I also don't give up, so my answer is still no. " Lance replied back

"Lance! Just say you're sorry already! " Veronica shouted with worry in her voice

"Quiet. You only requested to come along, I'm sure you didn't mention anything about speaking with this disgrace of a child. " His father said snapping towards Veronica, she immediately backed off and shut her mouth eyes still locked onto lance.

The room was once again silent, the two males staring each other off.

"How about we make a deal? " Lance said

His father's eyes narrowed and eventually a sigh was releasing from his lips

"I'm listening. "

Back at Garrison

"Keith I trust you but it's been almost 24 hours since lance was taken, and our time until the next attack is getting smaller. " Pidge said

Keith remained silent still looking down, rethinking his decisions.

"We can't form voltron without lance, even with the atlas and the assist of earth's pilots,we can't possibly hold off a full on galra attack." Allura said

"We don't have enough men to defend headquarters, considering how many galra are under haggar's control. The pilots would be defending the outside of the base but the inside is still not secure, if they manage to breach the inside of our base it would be troublesome. " Shiro said

"So you're saying that we were already at a disadvantage but now that lance isn't here we are basically on the edge of losing this war? " Hunk exclaimed

The room was silent, the atmosphere isn't helping either

Keith opened his mouth to day something but was interrupted as Sam rushed into the room

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