Chapter 9: Black and White

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3rd person POV

The battle was raging on, as Keith decided to take on a mission to rescue Shiro through the other side of the wormhole as the other paladins fight lotor and his own voltron.

"Guys!! Green isn't responding! " Pidge said through the coms

"So is Yellow! " Hunk added

"Blue can't move either! " Allura shouted

Lance cursed in his mind as he tried to move red but failed in doing so.

As lotor was about to shoot another attack, a shooting light came from nowhere as the enemy ship takes damage.

"Keith! Do you have Shiro with you? " Lance asked

"He's in here with me! Let's form voltron and beat this guy! " Keith shouted

All paladins regained control and soon enough voltron was formed.

As the battle continued, soon they were in a quintessence field, as they continued each side couldn't stand the burden with too much quintessence around them.

Lance POV

'Hey you there?'

'Yes... Do you require my presence? '

'If you dont mind'

'I shall aid you with what I can. '

At that moment lance's eyes glowed white, altean markings glowed and his hair changed into a cloud white color.

"Lance! Are you okay? Say something! " Keith said

"I'm alright"

I focused on the enemy infront of me, I want to defeat him, I want to protect the universe.

A load roar echoed through the quintessence field, beside us appeared a giant white lion.

The lion was beautiful, fur contrasting with the light and beautiful golden eyes.

The lion stood beside voltron and then it transformed into a mechanical lion, the lion merged with voltron and adrenaline rushed through our veins.

Voltron looked different, not much has changed except white markings all throughout the body.

"You guys all saw that right? " Hunk asked

"Yeah... " Pidge replied in awe

"Alright guys! One last push! " Keith yelled as all of us gripped onto our lions as we continued to defeat lotor, voltron was moving more gracefully. Faster. More powerful with every strike.

As we managed to leave lotor in his machine immobile, we quickly made our way out of the quintessence field to avoid overloading.

At this point we only needed to close the portal, and there was only one solution.

We all agreed to direct the ship towards the quintessence force. All of us flew to the castle to take our belongings, as coran programmed the ship to fly towards the giant hole

We managed to survive the explosion and I calmed down, sweat dripping from my forehead.

'So thats what you look like. '

'If you need me again, you know what to do. '

'Thanks a lot for your help'

As the white markings disappeared and my hair going back to its normal color

"What's that? " Hunk asked he flew yellow closer to the object and grabbed it using yellow's jaw.

"It's like the crystallized form of the castle"

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