I have some Splainin' to do

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I have had a week of it, y'all. Ignoring all of the things that happen outside the world of fiction, I have found, bought on Audible, and listened to both books from The Aurora Cycle in the space of four days. I came to this platform in DESPERATE NEED OF CONTENT!!!! Which you all were so kind to provide. It inspired me to make some contributions of my own, which hopefully will be many.

Quick disclaimers:


2. General ships for me are Auri + Kal, Fin + Scarlett (and like also + reader because who am I kidding) and Tyler + ............ Saedii. I know!! I know. Look, they were hot as hell, got that mind reading mojo on, and if Cat somehow rises from the dead (Remember Octavia *touches maker's mark*) then I have got some splainin' to do. But make hay while the sun shines, right?

3. The stuff in here will be pretty random, but probably a combination of scenes to be read along to music and some ways that characters react to prompts or phrases or events (shamelessly borrowing that format from @Celticscarf, pleeeeease don't be mad, it's super fun. But like also let me know if you're mad irl. And let me know if this is just a format used in lots of fanfiction and I'm not well-versed enough to get that :p ) Probably a few "deleted scene" style chapters as well. Whatever comes out of my little Betraskan head.

4. Not planning on writing any NSFW, but like... not ruling it out? We'll see. ;)

I've also never posted anything on this platform before, save for some notes on other people's works, so if I do something wrong or write something that isn't okay for some reason PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I would welcome the feedback and I certainly don't want to upset anyone. 

Okay, will shut up and start writing real things now. Thank you!! 


Aurora Cycle One-Shots and Random Musical InterludesWhere stories live. Discover now