Squad Birthdays

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It's mah burf day!! Am 23!!

Tyler and Scarlett:
Tyler wouldn't normally make a huge deal of his birthday, but considering who he shares it with it will always end up being a celebration anyway. Scarlett believes in self-love as well as loving others, and really only needs the smallest excuse to throw a party. You can expect the whole ship to be decorated with balloons and streamers, and you still don't know where Scar was hiding them! Lots of red and blue coloration, presents, cake, dancing to loud pop music late into the night. If you really pay attention, you notice that Scar and Ty are really celebrating for each other more than themselves, which somehow makes it even more special. <333

Kal and Saedii:
I have included them together because even though they aren't twins, I feel like they were both raised in an environment where Birthdays were not a very special occurrence. Now that Kal is part of the squad, he might reluctantly accept the odd gift or gesture from his teammates, but if not for them he might not have even remembered why that day was significant. Saedii would have looked down on the tradition at first, noting that a lieutenant of the Starslayer has no time for such frivolity. But if people want to select this particular day to praise her and offer tribute, who is she to refuse? :p

Here come all the jokes about how many centuries old she is now! It's all in good fun, and she takes it in stride. The squad will take a few weeks and go out of their way to find gifts that are either really old or have some historical ties to Chinese or Irish culture. She doesn't want people to make an enormous fuss over her, but the presents always make her blush. She really appreciates how much thought everyone puts into them.

Please remember this boy's birthday. He doesn't want to tell anyone straight out that it's his birthday because he doesn't want to come across as obnoxious. At the same time though, he would be genuinely crushed if nobody remembered. This does leave an excellent set of circumstances for a surprise party, which could actually make him cry. But either way, once he realises people remembered he will cheer up and become his bubbly sarcastic self, cracking jokes and insisting he shouldn't have to work that day or lift a finger to do anything.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, Zila is very attentive to everyone else's birthday. So the whole squad gets together to do something special for Zila. But they really try to tailor it to something she would enjoy. A trivia night, baking cookies, go-cart racing (if her performance in AB is any indication :p ), that sort of thing. She doesn't show a lot of her appreciation simply because she's not so readily expressive, but these birthday activities do make her quite emotional. From her perspective, the squad are doing things with her that her parents might have done if they had been alive for more of her childhood and thrown her birthday parties. So these are all wonderful new memories.

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