SFW Things They Do In Bed

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it's been a hot minute. I do apologise for not writing stuff for a while, and thanks again for everyone who was checking in to make sure I was okay.

In all honesty, I started reading other things and my creativity floated elsewhere for a while. But between books I have now returned to our favourite squad! So creativity is funneling back in.

She never actually sleeps super well since being in cryo for like 200 years, which you think is fair enough. This shows in how much she tosses and turns, meaning that you will wake up with like her one leg and both arms just slung over you. Somehow she went diagonal and upside-down in her sleep? She's a hot mess and you love it ;)

Aside from the fact that he A B S O L U T E L Y sleeps shirtless, which is wonderful, it's a little eerie sleeping next to Kal for two reasons. 1: he will be wide awake if you make even the softest sound, and 2: he sleeps totally and completely still on his back. Like frickin Disney's Snow White circa 1938.

Mkay this boy. This Boy. Transcends the normal parameters of the boy scout stereotype. Ladies and Gentlemen, Both and Neither, Syldrathis and Betraskans, I present to you the following: Tyler Jones sleeps in full, matching, FLANNEL PAJAMAS. every night. You want some intimate time? Pshhh, start undoing buttons and the little ribbon in the trousers like Victorian newlyweds. He also snores, but in a really soft cute way.

(By the way what on earth is her name?? I know many of you have the print or kindle version of these books, but I only have the Audible version [highly recommend, individual character narration, super clutch] and they pronounce her name as SAI-ree???? Are they using the phonetic Japanese D/R sound or something I do not understand. Anyway rant over~)
Sleeps just fine next to you, everything totally normal. The only exception is that she falls asleep to music. And that would be fine. If it wasn't heavy metal.

Ehehehehehe sooooo-
The thing is, our favourite Betraskan sleeps in zero-G. So sleeping "next" to him is open to interpretation. I am fond of the notion that you would share a floating sleeping bag or be tethered together somehow. Either way, when Finian accidentally nudges you out of bed, it isn't uncommon to nudge you clear across the room with no gravity to slow you down. Because of this he has now taken to holding you in your sleep. *swoon*

Expect sooooo many cuddles. Koala-level cuddles. LIMPET-level cuddles. Which is adorable, but maybe not in the heat of July in Trask? But on the ship you'll be fine.

Doesn't actually sleep for very many hours. She spends a lot of her time in bed on her uniglass, looking things up or watching something. She's not the most physical of people, but after having been with her for a while you have a really sweet sleeping style where you lay on your sides facing away from each other but you're close enough that your butts touch. She calls it butt-to-butt. Just enough contact that it feels affectionate, but gives you both some space.

(Please let me know guys if you would like a NSFW version of this! Never written NSFW before, but would not rule it out!)

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