Music Video 1: Auri (Control)

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New one-shot format entirely inspired by @chemicalcutie who made their recent post listing character playlists! I listened to the first song and was hooked straight away, and I just started envisioning this badass music video that maybe Scarlett bullied everyone into doing for fun.

The first two will be Auri's music videos :)

Accompanying song: "Control" by Halsey

Setting the scene: Dark stage, dark walls, three mirrors mounted on easels behind and around Auri, who is center stage. Camera zoomed in to include her head to toe. She is wearing a strapless dress made of jet black tulle, with irregular sapes flowing over each other to make an intentionally jagged hemline for the skirt. Illuminated only by a white spotlight above and slightly behind her.

Lights fade up at the start of the song, Auri is facing forward to sing but occasionally will turn to sing to the mirrors either on her left or her right. The camera will pan in a curve to the left or right every now and then, but mostly will stay directly trained on her. Sometimes we will get a close up of Auri's face, either in person or in a mirror's reflection.

At the beginning of the chorus, her power starts to flare and her eye glows dimly. The easels will shake and the spotlight will sway above her. We get close-ups of dust swirling on the stage and getting lifted into the air. When the chorus is reaching its end, she throws her hands out to the side and everything on set goes still again.

In the second verse, she brings her hands together in front of her chest. Slowly, she pushes them apart and to the sides, and as she does, the easels begin to scratch along the floor as they pivot on one leg, turning 180 degrees to face away from her. This will match up with the line:

"And I couldn't stand the person inside me

I turned all the mirrors around."

During the third verse, the spotlight starts to flicker a bit like a strobe light. The easels start to unfasten around the mirrors, which once loose will begin to float up to face Aurora once again. 

The final chorus is marked with the spotlight flashing out in a spray of sparks. The mirrors begin to slowly swirl around Auri, picking up speed. The only illumination is from Auri's glowing white eye, reflected by the mirrors and shining light on her outstretched hands as the room once again starts to shake. At the last second, she pulls her arms towards her sharply, leaving the mirrors to fall and shatter on the floor. Her glowing eye is the only thing you can see as the camera pans backwards and the music fades.

Aurora Cycle One-Shots and Random Musical InterludesWhere stories live. Discover now