Music Time: The Sound of Silence (Pentatonix)

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Yep. It's confirmed.

I'm a bit obsessed with Pentatonix.

I feel like if you were a choir nerd in high school, acapella groups of this caliber are one of the only things in the adult world that fills that void. :p


Accompanying song: "The Sound of Silence" arrangement and performance from Pentatonix

Not gonna repeat the blurb fully cuz y'all have heard it before, HOWEVER!

With the kindest permission of Celticscarf we have a guest star in today's music time: Galatea Espina!!

This is Celticscarf's original character from her books "Stardust" and "Starmap" told from the perspective of this additional OC squad member, and they were the first books I ever read on this site and honestly a huge part of the reason that I started writing here! So thanks so much, and let's get going!

Mezzo/soprano = Galatea (Kirsten)
High ass tenor = Finian (Mitch)
Baritone = Tyler (Scott)
Bass = Kal (AJ)
Percussion/Effects = Zila!!! (Kevin)

[Note: it was the super clear, cuts-like-a-knife, raw and almost raspy Latina voice of Kirsten that kept bringing me back to Gala]


It all started with a couple of bets.
There was a debate amongst the trebles over whether or not Fin can sing higher than the ladies. Gala argued back that the notes he hits don't matter if he can't put a certain amount of power behind them and exercise control. On the other side of the ship, the two bases (Kal and Ty) jokingly made their own bet over who could hit a lower note. Kal said he would get the lowest note, but it would be when Tyler least expected it.

With only one way to solve this, they researched songs, found a karaoke dive on the Worldship, and set off to settle their bets.

Zila agrees to provide percussion (but it is up to you, dear reader, whether she does this electronically or vocally!).

What follows is the song as Pentatonix sings it, starting off strong with Ty! He sings slowly and deliberately, leaving nothing for his rumbling, raspy bass to hide behind. He grins the whole time at Kal, already sure of his victory.

Fin takes the next solo, making sure to maintain eye contact with Gala as he flexes his enormous range and glides across the high notes! Voice smooth as butter, trampolining from consonant to sexy consonant and alternating between softer and louder notes to show his control.

When Kal takes over, Ty nearly laughs at how high up he starts. He thinks Kal misjudged the key, and he would never get low enough to prove anything. It is kind of amazing though how Kal gets lost in the almost gospel-like power of his long belted vowels. But everyone is floored when, with one sentence to go, Kal snaps his eyes open, holds Tyler' gaze, and drops A WHOLE OCTAVE DOWN to a note hitherto undiscovered by science. Auri, from the audience, has to visibly cross her legs. Hey, people feel resonance in many different places... ;)

Gala sweeps up onto centre stage with a flourish, her eyes closed and a huge smile on her face as she loses herself in the words. Fin can't help but stare at the power in her tone, the raw emotion throwing her voice forward like rays of sunshine- until, with a series of small runs, she brings it back down and seizes control again, ending on a husky, smooth finish.

Tyler, knowing he lost the bet, just lets go and throws his whole self into the finale, doubled over with the effort. The whole squad joins in for a powerful, reverberating wall of sound that ends with a hushed *boom!*, and they close the song together with the soft, even harmony.... of silence.

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