Music Video 3: Cat (Idfc)

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New one-shot format entirely inspired by @chemicalcutie who made their recent post listing character playlists! I listened to the first song and was hooked straight away, and I just started envisioning this badass music video that maybe Scarlett bullied everyone into doing for fun.

Accompanying song: "Idfc" by blackbear

Alright, y'all are gonna have to work with me on this one, because even though this song is AMAZING and absolutely appropriate for Cat (well spotted @chemicalcutie), she is clearly not singing in this one. Which is fine, but we're going to need to use our imaginations. 

(feel free to read slowly, this is not a lot of text for a long song so no pressure)

Alright, so. We've opened the song with a still frame of a rose bud in black and white. In fast forward, the rose bud opens and blooms, getting wider and fuller. That rose pauses, and around it about six other flowers bloom, and although they are all different, they are the exact same shade of sky blue.

As the singing begins, we can see Cat leaning against a Longbow in a simple white t-shirt, sleeveless to show off her tattoos and with a v-neck to show her phoenix on her neck. She's in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and black converse. She's looking down at the floor, arms crossed. She kicks a beer bottle across the floor at one point. In different shots she looks visibly angry or upset or aloof. However, in each shot you can tell that there are vines beginning to crawl up the side of the longbow. Just as they are about to reach her, she kicks off from the longbow and stalks off, leaving two or three vines to reach off the longbow and bloom into blue flowers.

We now follow Cat as she stalks down the hallway of Aurora Academy while a red alert goes off. People run away down the hallway on either side of her, but she calmly and a bit angrily walks on, head down to look at the ground. 

At "tell me pretty lies" we see her sitting at a table across from Tyler. She looks exactly the same, angry and a bit disappointed as she looks at the tattoo on her arm that now looks redder and fresher. There are empty beer bottles and shotglasses around them, and Tyler is laughing and talking animatedly to her but she ignores him. She gets angrier and angrier, trying to hold it in, as we can see in the corner of the screen that the small blue flower in a vase on the table is growing slowly towards her, wrapping around silverware and bottles. As its about to reach her, she stands up and kicks over the table in anger, causing Tyler to jump up out of his seat. 

At "I have hella feelings for you" They are both arguing, shouting at each other loudly and waving arms around, in slow motion, a few frames at a time. A bar brawl is happening behind them just as slowly. The scene is in black and white, and the only colour is the blue flower, which seems to be ignoring the slow motion and wrapping itself around Cat's ankle as she fights with Tyler.

At "I'm only a fool for you" We see them lying next to each other in the bed of a hotel room. White sheets cover Tyler up to his shoulder as he sleeps curled away from her. She is still in her original outfit from the beginning of the video, laying on her back on top of the covers and staring up at the ceiling. Tears slowly run down her face as vines run slowly up from under the bed, curling around her wrist and climbing up her arm. One starts to run across her stomach and reach for Tyler, but she calmly puts her other wrist in front of its path to give it something to climb on. 

In the last bars of the song, we see Cat standing completely still in a white room. People filter around the room in fast forward, sometimes stopping to talk to her and sometimes walking right past her. Almost like she's in the center of a courtyard, still as a statue. The vines crawl very slowly up her legs, around her torso, and wrap around her arms. At the very last note a vine hovers in front of her right eye, and blooms into a brilliant blue flower. The lights dim on that image.

Aurora Cycle One-Shots and Random Musical InterludesWhere stories live. Discover now