Squad Solo/Deleted Scene: Zila (When SHE Sees Me)

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Accompanying song: "When He Sees Me" by Sara Bareilles (the original has a gorgeous twangy accent that sadly doesn't fit my notion of Zila's voice. But at your discretion :)

I know, I know, when are we going to get the boys in here?! All in good time. Y'all know how hard it is to find a delicious, soul-rippling bass sung solo by a guy without a heavy accent or in a slightly British accent?? Any ideas for this would be super appreciated and you will receive credit :)

So anyway, we are back with out favorite girl Zila! I went through a slight "Waitress" phase this morning, and I think we all know where this is going-


"We are finally doing this!!" says Scarlett, smiling widely and holding my hands. I had only put my uniglass down for a few seconds, just to ask a question before continuing my calculations, when she had run into the control room yelling my name. I raised one eyebrow inquisitively, and she held up a flyer that she had clearly picked up in Emerald City somewhere. 

"Mingling Singles Night at the Nebula Bar and Lounge! Find a humanoid to spend time with! For an hour, for a weekend, or for a lifetime! The possibilities - and cocktails - are endless!!"

It then listed a time frame and address at the bottom. The paper appeared damp, and almost greasy in Scarlett's clean, manicured hand. My mind remained cool, though I struggled to swallow some form of obstruction that arose in my throat. Probably a physiological response to the underlying anxiety that my brain is trying to deter by remaining factual and objective.

"What precisely will we be doing?" I ask. "We don't require any new information from local sources. This is merely a supply run."

"Oh, it's a supply run all right!" she grins mischeviously. "And for something in very short supply! Zila, we are going out together - to find you a DATE!" 

I frown at her, tilting my head. 

"I was under the impression that you were currently undergoing relations with Fi-"

"Shhhh! There's uh, no time to argue!" she says quickly, shooting a glance at Tyler who is dozing off at the console. "We need to get dressed and go out, and I need to raid your closet first to find something perfect. After that, all we have left is hair, makeup, shoes, style points, and off we go!"

"Fine, but I will need to prepare on my own beforehand. I shall require approximately fifteen minutes alone. I will rendezvous with you in the ship bathroom after that time elapses."

I all but scurry down the hallway, trying my best to remain calm and walk normally. When I get to my quarters, I close the door behind me and lean back on it with a sigh. 

What am I going to do?

You're going to be fine, Zila. We just need to work the problem. Do the math. 

There's no math for this! What precisely would be the proper formula for a smooth introduction?!

Well if we structure it as-

There isn't one. That was rhetorical and you know it because we are the same person.

I sigh again, deeper and louder, as a million thoughts crowd my head. I get so nervous that I start talking out loud, my stressed voice joining my words together almost like a song.

"I stick with real things

Usually facts and figures.

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