Cute Things They Do that Only You Notice

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We're doing our first one-shot in the format I originally noticed on @Celticscarf's stuff, where we have a prompt and go to each character to answer it. 


If he's doing some kind of busywork, like washing dishes, working out, or even like folding his laundry, he hums to himself. Simple melodies. Sometimes he will admit to you that they are based on lullabies his mother used to sing. Other times it's a song from Scarlett's uniglass blaring in the kitchen or control room that's gotten stuck in his head.


You've noticed it's hard for her to focus on whatever she was doing when she's in a good mood or trying to get chores done. She'll totally walk into the kitchen and think: "wait a minute, what did I need in here? Right, actually I need to use the bathroom, which is definitely not here." Or she will start accidentally folding someone else's laundry before she realises, and then just folds the rest of it to make it look like she was being nice and not just confused. :p


In the morning, when he thinks you're asleep in the bed, he will start quietly practicing little speeches in the mirror. Sometimes they're for bigger things, like his speech to new cadets if he were made Admiral of the Aurora Legion. Other times, they're for conversations he might have in the immediate future, like a report he's going to give to the squad or a subject he was hoping to bring up with someone. He'll repeat key sentences occasionally, trying different tones or word choices until he gets it right.


This might be a carryover of her being a Face, but she is not shy at all. If she is close with you, even platonically, she will have no shame in starting a conversation with something like the following: "So I'm thinking about getting a period cup." "Pros and Cons of taking a dump first thing in the morning." "I'm not sure that's the right bra size for you. Go ahead and take it off, we'll try on some options." "Have you ever eaten mayonnaise straight out of the jar? How about dipping pickles into mayonnaise??"


When he's had a long day, he will wait until everyone is asleep. Then, he will go into the kitchen, make a peanut butter and maple syrup sandwich, and eat it in the control room while watching funny vids on his uniglass. If he knows you'll be out there wanting to join him, he'll bring a cup of hot chocolate for you and project the vids onto the pull-down screen normally used for briefings. In these scenarios, he always wants to watch "instant karma" videos from Terra. He gets a kick out of them.


Zila pays rigorous attention to people's birthdays on the squad. She will always procure some sort of gift, usually non-perishable food that she's noted they enjoy. She also will make a card. They are simple but elegant, designed on her uniglass with clean lines and simple fonts usually overlaying some sort of watercolor design. She prints them out to give them to the squad member in question. 

Aurora Cycle One-Shots and Random Musical InterludesWhere stories live. Discover now