Squad Music Time: "Soft, Gentle, and Brilliant"

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Accompanying song: "Soft Gentle Brilliant" (Acoustic) by Corey Kilgannon, Featuring Bailey & Becca Vanderbeck. 


SO I got bored today, and I decided to sing a version of this song re-written the way I wrote it for this story. It's not particularly meant to go with this story because I can't sing in a low enough register to be a Tenor (sorry, I'm absolutely a Basic Betraskan Soprano), but I wanted to give an idea of how the edits sound and in what way I adjusted the iambic pentameter and the placement of the notes to accomodate for them. The link is on here, and yes that is my voice :/ Also sorry for the fan and the appalling video quality, had to very quickly make a youtube channel to add a gosh darn audio file to this :p

NOTE: In the lyrics that I have included, I have edited some words to make more sense in the universe of The Aurora Cycle. Where I have edited from the original lyrics, I will make the words bold so that there is no confusion over what I have changed.

Premise: (skip to NEW if you've read the last Squad Music Time)

Squad 312 consists atm of Kal, Auri, Fin, Zila, Ty, and Scar. Possibly Cat, reader may insert at their discretion.

Sometimes, when there's downtime, the squad (who are all musically talented for some reason) have a bit of like campfire-style music time in the main control room of the ship, with Kal accompanying on his Siif or Fin/Zila whipping up some tech style music accompaniment on their uniglasses.

Parts generally go:

Soprano - Auri and Scar

Alto - (Zila +/- Cat)

Tenor - Fin and Ty

And y'all know we got Kal on that sweet, sweet BASS! (feels self melting)

NEW PREMISE INFO: We've got a request from our spiritual squad members to do a song that is loved at church: Soft Gentle Brilliant. One of the few spiritual songs that refers to "my maker" in the original lyrics!! Plus a super cool song. 

Plus Cat is here in this one, unless the reader wants to assign another Alto from the squad. :) I know Cat isn't religious necessarily, but I imagine she may have attended a few Church services to be with Scar and Ty. 

As this is presumably a traditional Terran hymn that was maybe modern and popular in Auri's time as a carryover from JudeoChristian music (following the format of similar verses joined with common chorus), let's go a little something like this:

*Kal being a good sport on his Siif because, again, strings??*


It's the quiet wind on the water

And the thundering stars up in the sky.

The scorching forest fire

And the complex Terran eye.

The sound of waves collapsing

Or a newborn's waking cry.

The way new seeds float to the ground

Right where the old flowers die.

*Scar and Cat join, singing their respective parts*

Ty, Scar, and Cat:

That I know You're there

I know You're watching

Though I don't feel You

And I don't live like I want to.

You still care,

Though Maker I'm prone to wander.

I'm hardly listening.

You're always calling.

*Solo time for Scarlet, with Cat supporting on Alto for a gorgeous harmony*

Scar and Cat:

It's the nebula's stunning colours

Swirling with Gravity's unbridled strength.

It's the way the mountains tower

And the canyons looming lay

It's a hundred mothers gathering

On a Betraskan's wedding day

The suns and the moons twirl in a dance

Determining the days.

Ty, Scar, and Cat:

So I know You're there

I know You're watching

Though I don't feel You

And I don't live like I want to.

You still care,

Though Maker I'm prone to wander.

I'm hardly listening.

You're always calling.


It's the way we're warned of winter

By the falling Lias leaves

How all the ground is connected

By the roots under Evaa's trees.

Though the violence of war by nature,

The Fold is whispering

Ty, Scar, and Cat, gently:

Soft, Gentle, and Brilliant

Is my Maker's love,

My Maker's love,

My Maker's love for me.

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