Squad Solo: "Gravity" (dealer's choice)

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Hey y'all! It's been a hot minute, but I wanted to write something, ya know? Going through some stuff right now. But hey, it means I'm listening to some good music!

This one had so many different choices for me that I couldn't decide on which story to write, so here's a few options for ya.

Accompanying song: "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles

Character option 1: Auri

-This song would be sung by Auri hours after marooning Kal in Aurora Burning. She goes to spend time in her room alone where she can grieve privately. She sings this song about her bond, the pull she feels towards Kal. She can't help but feel it and love him, but she's wishing she didn't right now because it hurts so much.

Character option 2: Saedii

-I've had this theory since reading Aurora Burning the first time round that Saedii might secretly be feeling The Pull towards Tyler. But because of her upbringing and her position with the Unbroken, she's been attempting to do everything she can to ignore it. Even to the point where she would let Tyler fight the Dracon on his own. She was hoping that if he just died there, that would be her problem solved. But he lived, and in spite of herself she took him to her own quarters to "interrogate him personally". She had to maintain her appearance of power and superiority over him. But once on the Balleraphont, they were equals. She did her damnedest not to let her feelings get a hold of her, but she could speak in his mind! I have another theory that only waywalker lifeloves can do that. Saedii never mentioned she could communicate that way with her mother, or Kal! And Tyler can't communicate telepathically with his sister! So yeah, all that combined with her kiss when he saved her life leads me to believe that. So this would be a song wherein she's voicing the feelings that she has and trying to be rid of them. Because love is weakness to her.

Character option 3: Finian and Scarlett

-for something light hearted, consider perhaps that Scar found this old terran song and played it to annoy Finian, singing in a dramatic way around him to tease him :p

Aurora Cycle One-Shots and Random Musical InterludesWhere stories live. Discover now