Chapter 7

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¬ so to make it short that Jieun is already tell myungsoo about me and jaehyun things, and she's okay with it + of course she is surprised since she is also one of basketball players fangirl  ¬

in classroom —

" Jieun ah how about your fake things? okay? no? Heart fluttering?" myungsoo keep on give you a question

" yah yah stop it, it's annoying okay and i hate it for real its a dumb deal and he also dumb he can just get back to his ex with words or doing something romantic ugh " you said in frust thinking about it

" ah mian mian i make you mad hehe its okay everything gonna be fine plus just do it and your deal will be short and don't in lov—" myungsoo wink at Jieun

" NO never " Jieun cut her off, she knew what is she going to say " and myungsoo today im gonna have lunch with that jaehyun " Jieun can see that how surprised and excited myungsoo is

lunch time —

there's a  students already line up for food some of them eat at the garden, canteen and etc

you also line up to buying some bread and milk, myungsoo was lunch with some other friends she thinks it will bother our deal

you try to tiptoe a little bit to look at the new list of foods sadly you can't see it, your height was just 167cm and these boy in front of you was very very tall

" you are very short "  jaehyun said suddenly appeared beside you, you look at him with sharp eyes and punch on his chest

" said that again or you dead" jaehyun act he was very hurt like his heart were drop
"stop it you embarrassing"

" ah im just a joke" he chuckled and said again " what are you looking at? new list of food or what?" jaehyun ask Jieun

you still on tiptoe to look at it
" yeah ugh all these boy are tall like why are they tall?! what did they eat? " jaehyun chuckled at your words

" yah pabo its normal it just you are short " jaehyun laugh and this time you punch his stomach and he fell down

for real though he is so embarrassing and thanks god there's no haein or not i have to act erk

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