Chapter 45

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" thanks jaehyun for the food and i literally regret for doing the gym things" Jieun said in frust

" you frust cause you such a loser hahahah"
Jaehyun laugh with his deep voice

without hesitation Jieun flick jaehyun forehead so hard

" yah yah! its hurt are you have a big hands or what" jaehyun said while rubbing his forehead

" weak" Jieun said and sticking the tongue out

" you I'll do that and i bite you" jaehyun said while act like he was a monster and try to catch me

the next day —

ring ring~

                    luv winwin
                accept | decline

" oh winwinieee where have you been huh?!" Jieun said

" hehe i have some things to do since im new to here right remember" winwin said

" ah i see, well i miss you winniee!!" Jieun said

" ah me too, btw did you and jaehyun.. date?" winwin questioned

" yes we are! ahh why this is so embarrassing" Jieun said

" well uh,,, i thought you.. don't like him?" winwin ask again

" well yes at first but then that feelings has come and this was my first time feels like this!" Jieun said giggle thinks about it

" oh,, well you must be happy then" winwin said sounds sad

" you okay? why are you sounds not happy? are having a bad da—" Jieun not finished her words

" no im happy for you of course! i got to go see you bye!" winwin straight away end the call before Jieun said back

' uh what's wrong with winwin maybe he have a bad day i guess' Jieun said in her head


Jieun was thinking to bought some milk and cereal since she was craving for it, she was walking through the alley with some lights

at least there's have a lights and some street food shop open

you suddenly feels like someone was following you, you quickly walking more faster

and then that person grab you from the back "JIEUN!!" you heard that voice so familiar

it was jaehyun, you quickly slap him everywhere " PABO! IM SCARED TO DEATH YOU KNOW" Jieun said

" im sorry im sorry im sorry" jaehyun said sorry and hugging you to calm you down

" you can just said hi properly!!!" Jieun said again " this is not a joke jung jaehyun" you said in a serious tone

" i know im sorry, i want to meet you i though you will be like surprise and happy but i guess i do it on the wrong time" jaehyun just smiled showing his dimple

" don't do that again crazy jaehyun i would die just now" Jieun said

Jaehyun make you face him and cupped your face " i would die fo you then"

that words just make you smiled and that's kinda cringe he sounds so stupid actually hahaha

" hey can i stick to you the whole time? can you take me back to your home too? i just think that you were my home" jaehyun said

he keep tease you make a stupid joke, actually you feel safe around him knowing he will accompany you untill arrive at your house

" what are you going to buy?" jaehyun keep asking and that bothering until you let out a big sigh

" jaehyun can you please shut— oh wait did winwin say something to you guys?" jaehyun make a confused face

" huh what do you mean babe?" jaehyun ask while play with the top of your head

" anything? like,, i don't know anythiNGgg??" Jieun ask

" ohmygod seriously i have no idea and i guess there's none is there something wrong? " jaehyun said

" oh really.. no nothing " you said and give jaehyun a big smile

Jaehyun quickly peck your lips
" got it!!! "

and he run out the shop with his proud face uhh so childish
you just laugh at jaehyun action

but when winwin come across your mind, its make you think back what's wrong with him, this curiosity keep coming

don't forget to touch the little star, don't forget to vote luv 💚

hello! im sorry for late update cause i have school and there's things i have to do :) ❤️

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