Chapter 57

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" i think it's been a week we didn't kiss" he still stare deep into my eyes

" n-not now okay let's go" you said

but he pushed you back now you in his trapped

" just stand still im the one who will kiss you" he said and coming closer

“ why am i nervous this is not even our first kiss ah what's wrong with me help” your mind is screaming while your mouth is silent

he hold the back of your neck and start to kiss you passionately

and yes you did what he asked you just stand still like mannequin

" im done darling let's go"

now he's the one who lead you out like you're the one who gone

" yah why took you so longggg aishh" taeyong start to speak like a mom

" sorry" you said after that you elbow jaehyun to say sorry too but he just smile ugh this boy

" what about we sing together?" haechan said

" good idea!" johnny said

haechan grab his guitar and start to play best part, haechan voice is really soft and sweet

it's so random that all of us sing it together
and you feel that jaehyun was stare at you while singing it

" wah we sounds like a idols group " doyoung said with his proud face

" since when did all us good at singing huh?" jungwoo ask playfully

we also did a s'mores and telling a ghost stories most of their story are just created just now because they want us to be scared

how creative they are

also we did eat some simple dinner such as meat and food that we bring from home

it almost midnight all of us tired and on our way to go room ready for sleep

" Jieun" it's jaehyun

you turn back and give him a question face

" goodnight" he said quietly and give you a peck on cheeks and forehead

you just smiled by his actions and you felt very lucky to have him even we're not that good from the start

your alarm is ringing

you woke up and tie your hair ready to go wash up myungsoo is still sleep you just smile of how cute your bestfriends is

you took all of stuff to bring in the toilet

on your way to the kitchen you saw three man without any shirt but just a pants on

it was johnny, taeyong and jaehyun all of their eyes are on you

" AH WAEE" you said while cover your eyes with your hands even there's full of stuff on your hands

" oh my god i thought you gonna woke uo lateee!" johnny said

taeyong who cover his body with his arm seems panic with you sudden appearance

Jaehyun quickly come to you and blocked your views with his huge body

you can feel jaehyun appearance infront of you and that what makes you feel more like you don't want to open your eyes

" hey open your eyes" jaehyun said softly

" yah yah you also don't wear any shirt" you said while swing your arm signals to 'move'

" that's why i ask you to open your eyes" you can feel he smirking and having fun teasing you this way

" aah gooo awayyy all of you go in your room get a shirt"

taeyong and Johnny quickly go inside room and take a shirt you can hear they laughing and scream playfully

you still cover your eyes

suddenly you feel that jaehyun slowly touch your hands and want to remove it from your face

but you still closed yours eyes

then you feel that jaehyun hot breath on your neck he peck a kiss there and whisper

" open your eyes it's hard for you to see this good looking body"

again.. you can feel he was smirking

you hit his arm and he laughed and go to his room for changed

he just laughed and left you there to changed

after that you go in toilet and wash up

now everyone is already woke up and myungsoo too as always taeyong will cook the breakfast

for now you prepare yourself you put some lotions

" hey you done?" jaehyun peek on you

" oh yeah just a little bit" you said while put some lotion

" you smells good btw!" jaehyun said and you can feel that you're blushing

" yah move! move!" myungsoo said while push jaehyun away and she locked the door

" your boyfriend is madly in love with you huh" myungsoo said sounds jealous

" why you sounds jealous" you chuckled

" i want boyfriend too okay i mean look! we are on senior year and ugh i just need boyfriend i don't know why maybe because you have boyfriend" myungsoo said while look at you

you sat beside myungsoo who sat on the bed

" you will find someone when you in college there's many more— oh wait or are you want to be with... johnny " you slowly smirk by thinking all theories in your head

" omgee what! uh no what are you— FINE" she said and sigh loudly

" well since the first day me and jaehyun become a so fake couple i look at you and you were staring at JOHNNY SUH!"

myungsoo quickly shut Jieun mouth

"shut up Jieun!!!!" myungsoo slap Jieun arm

omgee!! life goes on by bts is already out yesterday! the music is so calm and make me crying they are so precious they are my whole world!!also all of their beside track is so goooooddd😭💜💜

ohoo 90s love is gonna out soon don't forget to check it out okay czennie!! Resonance pt2 💚

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