Chapter 4

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breath in breath out, Jieun said to herself in her mind to calm herself down

your body facing jaehyun, while jaehyun close your mouth incase you breathe too loud, your face is not on his face but at his chest

a water from his hair drippin at your hair, since he is tall, one jaehyun hand is on your mouth and one another hand is on around your shoulder and it's make more closer

and the closet is also small, as you guys were in closet you can hear loud voice, its must be his team members

as soon the voice slowly disappeared, jaehyun slowly open the closet door and look around the room

" ahh im sorry i drag you harshly right, why did you have to come this time ahh " he said while breath loudly

" wh-what? uh nevermind, bye" you on your way to main door you rush quickly and he call you

" hey! Can you at least um thanks to me?" he said and knit his eyebrows

"thanks..?" suddenly his face lights up and come towards you " i have a favour instead of thanking me" he smirk

" what? no thanks is already enough—" he cut your words and said " na uh help me that's how you thanks me"

" i don't have time for thi—" he cut you off and come closer

" a-alright what is it" uh what's wrong with me why am i scared, and you pray to god in your heart so it won't be stupid whatever he thinks he wants me to do

" be my girlfriend— uh i mean fake girlfriend" he said while looking into your brown eyes

this is crazy this man right here is crazy

wayO waYooo ;--;

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