Chapter 58

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after a not so little fight with myungsoo we came out for breakfast

" woah smells so delicious" you said and taeyong can heard that

" of course its me who—"

" its me who cooked it" jaehyun cut taeyong off

" boooooooo!!" haechan make a noise with booing him

after a long eat session we all ready and pack our stuff to go home

" so one more week till our final exam" doyoung said

" yeah" yuta said sounds worried

" i know we can do it right" you said

" you are top students of course its easy ahh it's stress me out" johnny said

" well you can do it too" myungsoo said quietly but only johnny who sat beside her heard it

" thanks" johnny answer and that's make myungsoo going crazy in her head

" well we should go now" mark said after looked at the clock

" oh before that let's take a picture together" doyoung said

jungwoo quickly took out the stand so we all can take a picture like a family picture


Jaehyun was beside you and also myungsoo is beside johnny i can see the upgrade

after that all of us get in the car and drive to home after jaehyun drove myungsoo home and now me

after an hours we already arrived at Jieun house

" i gonna miss you" jaehyun said and look at you

" i gonna miss you too okay" you said and smiled to him

you gave jaehyun a peck on his lips and said bye to him

" Omma appa im homeee!!" you said

" oh my daughter you home so how it's going? is there something happen between you and jaehyun " your mom tease you

" omma!! what are you thinking of course we slept separately" you said while feel blushing

" aigoo stop stop go on your room, you must be tired" your dad said and shuhs you from your mom before she gonna ask something embarrassing again

you put all your stuff and wash up yourself you see the clock it's read 6.30PM

" ah im so tiredd" while laying on the bed and just stare up to the ceiling


it was message from jaehyun

“ hey you already sleep? ”

“ no why?”

“ i don't know i just miss you Jieun”

“ omgee jaehyun you keep on miss me we gonna meet tomorrow on school okay”

" i know can you send your pictures?”

uh what my picture with my potato face ah no no this is a no

“ sorry sir no picture from me”

“ you are so mean”

“ im tired i want to get sleep”

“ sorry, okay then bye babe see you tomorrow i love you”

“ love you too jaehyun”

and we end the chat and Jieun straight away go to sleep because i was really tired

tomorrow is school and final exam is near

you ready yourself to go school and you gonna walk with jaehyun since he really sounds desperate uh this boy

" hi good morning babe" jaehyun said

" hi, have a nice breakfast?" you ask him

" yeah i am" he quickly hug you tightly

" why are you smell so good stop wearing something smells so good!" jaehyun said

" uh what?"

" boy's gonna like to smell you okay i don't like it" jaehyun said look at you is a cute mad

" jaehyun even they like it i would never love them i love you and only you okay you hear me?" you said and pinch jaehyun cheeks

" actually i just want to hear that from you it's make my day" he said proudly

you slap him on arm playfully

" hey remember our date what about after final exam? celebrate it together" he said

( i supposed to do it on valentines day but uh im sorry it doesn't make sense when i already do final exam ya know what i mean)

" omgee really sounds great!" you said and link your arm to his

after one week now it's the day final exam is here im so nervous about it even i always get a good grade but doesn't mean i don't have to worry

also lately myungsoo always study with Johnny well im not mad its good for her

" hey goodluck i know you can do it" jaehyun said

also you wish him and others members luck too.
im so nervous i hope i can do it well

( let's skip and im sorry  :)

today is the day the results is coming im so nervous to see the results

you can see there's some students already checked out their number on the board

you jump a little bit, well this is how short life be

" yah shortie can't see huh?" you heard deep cool voice and you turned it was jaehyun

" shut up jaehyun" he just smirk and suddenly you can feel his body on your back " he is  too close help"

" i saw your name" he said and drag you by hold your wrist and go a little far from so many students

" now guess a number one, two or three?" he said  while show his beutiful fingers

" um three maybe?" you said while the nervous feelings is in your body you feel like you were sweating

" wrong, now kiss me choose either on lips forehead or cheeks" he come closer to whisper

" i prefer lips actually"

" what, k-kiss? jaehyun we are in school" you said little mad at him and of course embarrassed

" really at school? omgeee nah i don't care now do it or i do it for you" his face from fake shocked to ' i don't care kiss me now'

" oh cmon just tell me i will kiss you but not now please i am so nervous" you stomping your feet

" did i just hear you begging" he smirk

" tell me or i will not talk to you ever" you give him a dead stare

" you so serious, fine you got number two babe congratulations!!!! I don't care if you ask me or not but i got number ten im so genius and handsome" he said while made a proud look


anyways take care and stay healthy!!!!

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