Chapter 53

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you look at jaehyun for a second and he was not even look at you back, you can tell he is really annoying with whoever is calling you now

" oh winwiniee"

Jaehyun quickly look at Jieun and he knit his eyebrows you can hear he saying

" winwin?"

you want to stand up to go somewhere else but jaehyun stop you from going anywhere

" you already sleep?"

" oh not yet winwin ah why?"

" uh nothing kinda miss you" he chuckled and that's cute

" ey why so sudden we just met okay, we gonna meet at school also" you laugh at his words

" i know i know just kidding, anyways good night and sweet dreams Jieun ah, dream about me" he chuckled again also you too

you hang up the fhone and slowly look at jaehyun and he stare at you with sharp eyes give you

and gave a signed to explain why he is calling you

" is a friends things you know—"

" no, i know what winwin want" he fix the way he sat and faced you and look so serious about it

"i want you to know that i would never let you go cause you are mine"

after that he leave your house, and there you who still has no idea why he is like that for you winwin is just a bestfriends

school day —

you already walked passed the gate and you heard winwin voice from the back

" Jieun—"

suddenly you saw jaehyun who was already hands around your shoulder

" good morning babe, what a nice day huh" jaehyun said

you were about to turn your head to look at winwin and jaehyun quickly drag you to walk faster

and winwin slowly low his wave and his smile slowly fade

"  jaehyun you do know there's winwin back there right" you said while push slowly his hands down from your shoulder

" uh where i don't se—"

" please don't lie to me what's wrong with you? he is just my bestfriend you hear me right"

" and i don't like it"

" whAT? we being so close?? its just a basic things all friends do"

" not for me"

" don't be too jealous jaehyun i don't like it"

" fine, im sorry okay" jaehyun said and hug you also pat your back softly

" let's go?" jaehyun said and smiled

" okay,,,, but! after this go and apologise to winwin understand" you said points to him

" yeah babe i will okay im sorry" he said

you and him smiled to each others and walked to the class

lunch time —

you nowhere to found jaehyun so you just go and eat first with others members and myungsoo too

" ah where is he" jaehyun said check the time on his watch

and then jaehyun saw winwin walking with both of his hands in his pockets and smiled to jaehyun

" oh jaehyun why are you here? let's lun—"

" winwin im sorry"

and that's make winwin more confused, winwin chuckled

" what so funny?" jaehyun question and cross his arms

" sorry sorry, why so sudden huh jaehyun?" winwin stop laughing and back to the conversation

" you know for think bad about you and Jieun and this morning" jaehyun said and let out a sigh

" jaehyun" winwin put his hands on jaehyun right shoulder and said

" its okay, and i want you to know i don't have any feelings for Jieun its our things to do like this when we were still kids"

winwin continues again
" im sorry if it's make you jealous, i swear i don't have any—"

" yah yah stop it, i know thanks god you don't have any feelings for her im sorry again" both of them smile

they hug each others like a bros

"oh there they are!" haechan said

you look at them and smile, you know they are already good to each other you let out a relief sigh

" hey babe sorry im late" jaehyun said and kiss your forehead

" its okay" you smile

" eyy so sweeeetttttt" johnny said while make a little gesture

" baby baby baby OOOOO" haechan and mark suddenly singing out loud

all of us laughed, they are so cute but uh it's kinda embarrassing


hello hello!! Im so so sorry for late update so many things to do :( please understand no worries i will still keep on update this book🌟

blackpink new songs issa bop! their side tracks also good luv is so much 🥺❤️

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