Chapter 34

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" yah don't say that and really i am really tired i want to go home okay" you said to haechan softly

am i talking to a kids or baby huh

" ah noona i treat you! please" haechan begging again

this boy is still a kid istg

" hey Jieun its okay don't listen to this crazy kids " yuta said and knock haechan head

" uh im really sorry okay and let's go next time i go first and yeah i miss you guys too" you pout and wave them bye

while that, you make a eye contact with jaehyun for a seconds you didn't realised that jaehyun stare at you

it's feels like a slow motion

" bye Jieun we love yoU WOhOo!" you chuckled at their words

oh wait shit i forgot my purse inside table
" stupid stupid stupid " you slap your head in frust

should i just take tomorrow ah but there's my id card and all why is this happening like right now jshshs

breath in breath out

" im sure they all already gone let's just go" you went back to classroom and look around

you really didn't want to meet them mostly jaehyun and i think that's better both of us already end the deal right

i mean im the one who the end it because look at jaehyun he happy now let's just accept the fact

" ah there you go thank god" while checking each stuff and money in the purse

you were about to get out from classroom but then you saw jaehyun infront the doors
we make eye contact

feels like time has stopped

Jaehyun came in the class slowly towards you, you walk at the back door but jaehyun wast faster to catch your hands

" Jieun, why " jaehyun ask still not let you go and look at you

" i need to go home" while try to push his hands

" Jieun im sorry okay " this time you look at him back, feels mad already inside you at the same time you kinda sad

Jieun also mad at herself for have a feelings at jaehyun its just break the rules

" i am really sorry i didn't mean too leave you alone i know im wrong, haein ask me to follow her—"

" then you follow her? okay i can't be mad at haein right? she is love of your life of course you follow her hah! why am i mad and sad after all" Jieun confess a little bit about your feelings

guess.. Jieun can't control her feelings

" y-you sad? Jieun listen okay she ask me to be friends, only friends so that's why i was like okay" jaehyun said

" did i look like i care? jung jaehyun listen you leave me at the shop for like a hours a fking hours i will be okay if i wait for you for like a minute BUT YOU LEAVE ME NOT CALLING ME OR SOMETHING AND LEAVE ME UNTILL THE. SHOP. CLOSED"  Jieun said pointed her index finger at jaehyun in mad

" Jieun seriously i didn't mean to okay—" Jieun cut jaehyun words again

" if you didn't mean it then you should at least inform me, i looked sad and stupid at that time and i think we already done with this deal" your eyes start to tear up but you don't want to show at jaehyun

you were about to leave but you turn around and said at jaehyun again

" oh and one more thing our deals is already end you heard me? its already END i guess you already know when you start to leave me haha" you chuckled but you were sad and mad

" oh wait jaehyun i wondering if you remember me after the incident happen cause my friend saw you hanging out with her like twice hold up hold up i don't care okay just wondering" you said and leave jaehyun speechless maybe

Jaehyun stroke his hair in frust

don't forget to vote for this book okay xoxo!!! 🌟
my playlist right now is playing a fear  by seventeen heuing

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