Chapter 12

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" okay guys let's show them okay" taeyong said while gathering all of his members

" okay students please focus" mrs.jeehyo said to the students

they started play it also the girls start to giggles, squealing, keep on admire how cool they are

" they are so cool and handsome omo omo yah look johnny so tall! " myungsoo said, uh i almost forgot that myungsoo also one of their fangirl aish

you only focus on the ball, when the ball was at jaehyun you always remember that he was mad at you

untill this time you saw the ball pass at jaehyun again and he was about to throw to mark and then..


that ball fell on you literally spot on your forehead also you fell down and that kinda embarrassing cause all students now eyes on you

" ahh this hurts this hurts this hurts" you said to yourself and curse cause you know who throw the ball

" omo yah Jieun gwenchana?! its bleed a little bit.. let me help you go to school clinic" myungsoo said worried about you

" aigoo poor Jieun,, its okay you don't need to play it " mrs.Jeehyo said

in school clinic —

" this will be okay and you can rest here if you want i will tell your teacher" the nurse said after done put the medicine at the affected area and close it with small cotton

"  thanks nurse " you say and sat on the bed and myungsoo is nowhere to be found maybe she go to the class back

you think of fall asleep a little bit and you do

you woke up and it's been a 20 minutes it was already lunch time and you feel don't want to eat so you just sat there and space out while looking at the wall

suddenly someone open the door and it show up, it was jaehyun he grab the chair and bought it infront of you and

sat infront of you

you literally shocked and make a face " what the heck", jaehyun just stare at you and before he talk Jieun open up her mouth first

" bruh i know you mad at me but did you have to do this?!" you pointed at your forehead where it was bruise " for real though, if you want to be mad at me don—"

" im sorry okay, i did not mean to throw a ball at you seriously im sorry and about yesterday..Let’s just forget it and don't said that kind of things again" jaehyun said while looking deep into Jieun eyes

you just sat there and stay silent

" uh so is it still hurt?" jaehyun ask while try to touch the bruise

" kinda.. no uh don't touch! " you said slap jaehyun hand, he chucked with Jieun action

" oh and don't forget the deal okay" he said and pat Jieun shoulder

uhh im tired of that deal

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