Chapter 50

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i keep thinking about scenes just now jaehyun or winwin, jaehyun or winwin, jaehyun or win—

"ARGHHH! WHY WHY" you scream while punch all pillow

" Jieun darling you okay?" your mom rushed to your room to check you out

" mo-mom HA HA IM OKAY" you said shyly

" you looked really crazy now Jieun" you just chuckled and then your mom left

breath in breath out

" okay Jieun let's just go with winwin okay jaehyun will be fine right..? is he? its not like im cheating on him pftt no way"  you said and let out big sigh

on Saturday —

phew yeah this clothes looks great.. uh i think this one is more better.. or this?.. yes this one!

you wear a comfortable baggy jeans, a white shirt inside with green pastel gardigan and small sling bag too

you let go of your black wayv hair


" hey you ready, im outside your house"

" you are? dang well im coming now winwin"

before you out from the room you spray some perfume on your body and do the last check up on mirror

" hey winwin sorry if i make you waited" you said

" hey no worries i just came here a minutes ago" winwin flash a smile to you

" great, let's go?"

you said and both of you hop in the car

" jaehyun know about this?" winwin suddenly ask

" yeah he is, actually winwin today also his training day and he ask me to come but it's been long time im not hanging out with you"  you said while looking out the windows

" really? so you choose me instead ha! i must be special to you anyways its okay jaehyun will understand okay" winwin said and look at you for a seconds and smile

" wah its so beutiful!! It's been long time im not coming here so many things changed" you said feel touched winwin bought you here

" is amusement park okay with you?" winwin questioned

" of course its was fine! let's go im so excited!" you drag winwin by his wrist

winwin just chuckled look at your behaviour he just feels happy to see you like this

" oh should we get cotton candy?" you ask

" yeah! that's great "

"  please give us two cotton candy "winwin said

" yeah sure " the owner said
" you guys looks cute matching colours of outfits " the owner speak again while do the cotton candy

" we are just—"

" thanks! we looked great right "

you shocked when winwin cut your words but more shocked with his answer, you keep stare at winwin with questions all over your heads

" Jieun? " winwin snap you back

" here take this" winwin hand you the cotton candy

" oh wait" you take out your purse

" no don't i already pay for it while you daydreaming huh" winwin said and that's embarrassing me

" thanks" you said in tiny

" your welcome Jieun ah~" winwin said and ruffle your hairs

that's kinda weird why doing it like this, he seems have something uh maybe its a friend's friend's things

" Jieun ah let's take a picture there!" winwin said and hold your hands

now you stare at our hands, this touch from him feels something different he never touch me like this and do stuff like ruffle hair and all

" 1  2   3 smile!"

both of you do many sign a peace sign, a rock sign

" let's take a casual photo now" you said and winwin just nodded

while the camera count before it was three winwin put his hands around your shoulder and it make both of you closer


" wah! the picture came out good doesn't it, here you take this one and i keep this one okay" winwin said

" sure we look cute though! no lie" you chuckled look at the picture

now both of you just sat on the long bench and eat some tteobokki with waters on the side

it's all peace and kinda quiet now, its a little bench for people who want to sit and just chillin there

" Jieun,, are you happy with jaehyun?" winwin suddenly spoke up while looking at you

you choke on your tteobokki damn

" drink this im sorry did i—" winwin rub you back to make you feel better

" no no its just this tteobokki kinda spicy"

" back to your question, im happy with him why suddenly you ask that?"

" i want to tell you something but,,,,, i think,,, uh nevermind" winwin said and look at the view where the amusement park at

where people spending their time with the love one family, friends and couple its full of laughter and happiness

' winwin why can't you just accept it' its what on winwin mind said

Don't forget to vote xoxo!!💚💚

anyways its true that NCT2020 is coming but we don't know if its was OT18 or OT21 ( with wayV) im hoping it was with wayV please! 💚 😭

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