Chapter 8

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I packed up my things and put it in my backpack, its time to go home, i was walking fast so i won't meet jaehyun


Jaehyun lower his body " why so fast little Jieun?" he chuckled and smirk maybe he knows that i was going to run from him

" don't think of run, we have to act untill we out of school gate" and jaehyun boop my nose

" are you crazy orrr what—" suddenly jaehyun hugging you like a koala, your face is on his chest level, and his head was resting above your head

" Jieun ah im gonna miss you don't forget to call me or text okay" jaehyun said while hugging Jieun while swinging my body softly to side and side

im kinda embarrassed with this and i think my face just became red i never experience this for real

i tried to push his body with my hands but he didn't move at all now, i just stand like a mannequin " why i have to go through all of this" you thought


" oh my god haein look at that!" her another friends jinsol said

" what are they hugging in front of locker eu" lara said in disgust

" freaking jaehyun ugh! i think he knows me already breaking up with jongshik and now he do this to me!! wait jaehyun just wait try to get you back " haein said and stomp her feet away

" jaehyun i can't see oh my god i need oxygen, jaehyun you hear me!" you said try tu push jaehyun away

" ah i know i know, nah no need to act until infront of school gate, here is enough for her to see " jaehyun said satisfied

and both of us separated on our way to go back home

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