Chapter 6

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the next day —

first time i feel like i don't want to be at school for real though

as on your way to go inside the school you feel someone put hands around your shoulder and you know who

" hey Jieun remember "  he whisper to you lower his body a bit

" i know dumbass get off " you get off him and walk away, this is gonna be a bad bad day

Jaehyun jog to catch you " yah Jieun don't act like that—" he stop and suddenly he facing me in front of my locker

he come closer almost hugging me and its looks weird, and  he whisper " its time, there's haein my ex girlfriend "

" Jieun baby you are so pretty im so lucky to have you " he said and tucked some of my hair behind my ear

" err haha thanks jaehyun ah you are so cute" you pinch his cheeks almost red

" yah haein is that jaehyun new girlfriend?" lara one of her friends ask

" what do you mean tch he will not— a smart girl?! he gotta be kidding me ugh" haein stomping her feet and walk away

" she's gone" Jieun said to jaehyun who also pinch her cheeks

" yah pabo its hurt are you trying to rip my cheeks or what?" he said rubbing his red cheeks

" you also pabo why tf you pinch my cheeks untill this red?!" jaehyun just laugh

" uh enough i go first bye" jaehyun stop you and " lunch with me incase haein be there"

"NO!" you protest

"YES! You miss Jieun lunch with me or not—" jaehyun fight back

" you better rewards me with money if this dumb deal end " you walk away

woop —

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