Chapter 41

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" wh-what are you doing get off" you said while try to push him but he was more strong

" im sorry i really mean it, im such a fool to yelled and mad at you for something you didn't even do" jaehyun said while stare into your eyes

he doesn't take his eyes away from you, he still looking deep into your eyes

you didn't know what to say, he was too close that can make your heart beat fast and you was automatically look into eyes too

why he does this to me i need to stay away from jaehyun

" Jieun im sorry i really am and i mean it" jaehyun said again

you don't even have chance to say anything he continue his words

" it's been a week Jieun.." he come closer and that make you nervous

he hug you, you can feel his breath on your neck he was too close, i don't want him to feel my heart beat this fast

" jaehyun..let go" jaehyun still hug you

" i will let you go if you forgive me Jieun" jaehyun said to you, honestly you want to keep this moment but he will think others if i don't answer

" okay i.. forgive you okay now let go" he let go the hug, his hug was very warm i feel comfortable and safe

why jaehyun..

he smiled and flash his dimple how can you not melt with his charm

" uh bye i go first" you said and start to walked fast

suddenly jaehyun was jog to you and walk beside you

" why are you walked beside me?" you ask him

" why not?" jaehyun said again and flash his adorable smile

" don't walk to close" you said kinda give him a warning

after Jieun said that jaehyun keep walk closer to you with his innocent face he knows what he is doing

" excuse me i said don't walk too close" you said and stop from walking

" are you nervous walking beside me?" he lean his face closer to Jieun face

" wh what? you must be kidding no way" you said and push him beside and start walk fast again

" you take a bus?" jaehyun ask

" yeah why?"

" let me follow you" jaehyun said

" no uh no don't, go ride another bus" you said while push him

" do i look like i care? if i have to fight with you i will win for sure" jaehyun said with confidence

" what are talking about whatever" you said and play with your fhone

" look! I won" Jieun rolled his eyes how annoying and childish jaehyun is, and i never saw this side of him

the bus has arrived Jieun ask jaehyun to get in first but then jaehyun push you first, there's many people who back from work and school ride a bus

so you and jaehyun doesn't have any sit both of you only stand, Jieun was hold the holder so she won't fall

Jaehyun was standing beside Jieun, and for real it was very close

why god tested me like this, you felt like you were holding a breath

suddenly you feel someone was very very close to you and it feels uncomfortable you keep on try to go far from whoever behind you

i know this is a bad man

' help me help me ohmygosh noo' you said in your mind for real you feels like wanna cry loud

you can't take it anymore, you grab jaehyun hands cause you were really scared, jaehyun notice it and saw a man behind you

Jaehyun quickly push that man a little bit and stood behind you before that jaehyun was give a death stare to him

you feel thankful or not what would happen to me

why did this feels like a drama, i thought something like this would never happen to me

but since jaehyun exit in my life chapter all things is new to me

both of you get off from the bus and thanks the driver

" thanks and im sorry for hold your hands" Jieun said

" ur welcome" jaehyun chuckled

" why did you even chuckled im serious" Jieun said

Jaehyun look at you " i hope you can hold my hands again i never care if it was you"
he smiled

okay now what, why is he saying like that? what is he trying to do? did he know i have a feelings on him? why did he smile?¿

many questions in my head

" oh wait, since i was help you just now can i ask you something..a thanks is not enough for me actually" jaehyun said

" you  want me to treat you huh? do your homework?" Jieun keep asking and of course hopefully his favor was not too much like before this

" this is easy favor that only you i want to do this " jaehyun said making Jieun more curious


" be my girlfriend the real one" jaehyun said look more serious now

"me? HAHAHAHAH you are so funny" you said and slap jaehyun shoulder playfully

" im serious Jieun" he said and stare into your eyes

this make me scared should i scream? or run from him? ah that's looks weird maybe this is just a prank right hahah Jieun said in her mind

" this is not a joke, im serious Jieun" now that make me froze what should i do did he really like me

im confused help..

don't forget to vote!! <3

bts on iland hsgsgsys yey😭💜!!!! also i hope sunoo, jake, jay, k, heesung and others applicant i vote will pass and debut 🧡🥺im not ready to cry mostly when it's come to my top 5 favourite applicant 🥺🧡🧡

anyways happy birthday to na jaemin!!!! 💚💚💚💚

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