Chapter 24

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Jieun pull jaehyun shirt in a tiny way

" jaehyun why did they look at me" you said to him in a low tone

Jaehyun come to your ears and whisper

" actually they didn't know i was bring you so,,," he said and smile okay what!

you look at jaehyun you was about to punch his back but then jungwoo cut you

" look at this who come! a whole cutie Jieun!!!"  he said and drag you inside

you feel embarrassed and confused why did even jaehyun did that to me!

" noona! come sit " haechan said to Jieun and pat a sit beside him

There's still a lot of questions in your head and still embarrassed by this situation, what if taeyong mom not allowed me, what if taeyong mad or,,, aaahhhh

" um ohmygod im really sorry i didn't mean to uh disturb this and jaehyun said that um he i mean taeyong invited me too so i guess it was alright and yeah its okay if i can't come i mean i can go home i don't want to dist—"

you spoke really fast cause you kinda panic

" Jieun Jieun chill okay its alright we are fine i guess it's more better if you are here right " johnny said to calm you down

" oh r-really? but,,, " you still think that you disturbing their time

" gwenchana im okay with it,, you the only girl that i accept here " taeyong said to you while bringing some snack and he smile

" omo yaa what happens—ohh who is this beutiful girl "  mrs.lee said while cupped Jieun face "is this your girlfriend taeyong—"

all the members went " OH NO NO its not mrs.lee no no"  you laugh at their reaction and uh am i really that ugly or what kidding!

" then who is this beutiful girl " mrs.lee said still admiring your face " mrs.lee its jaehyun girlfriend"

they can tell your face is really shocked and jaehyun of course shoc—holy cow,, why didn't he shocked this is getting weird

" omo omo perfect couple! i would love too last long okay honey,, okay let's go eatt!!!" mrs.lee drag you to table

and you just give a sharp stare at jaehyun and that guy just smile aaahh,,

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