Chapter 48

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you were in your room and thinking if you should hang out with winwin or not

you keep on playing with your fingers

" its been long time so why not right" you took your phone on your bed and search for winwin contact

" hey winwin im free on saturday!"

" cool! im so excited to hangout with you again after a long time, see ya"

you put your fhone down but deep down you kinda think about jaehyun too what if he doesn't allowed me

" wait he my boyfriend right, and winwin is just a friends no more than that yes that's right chill" you let out deep sigh

at school —

" Jieun i miss you damn much" jaehyun said and hug you tightly

" jaehyun i can't breath!" after that jaehyun let you go and flash his smile that already can make you melt

" we just met yesterday jaehyun ah" you said and chuckled

" well after that we didn't meet right? then that's why i miss you okay!" jaehyun said

" ah whatever alright i miss you too pabo" you said to him and jaehyun just smiled

" oh and more thing my training is on saturday you have to come okay baby im gonna wait for you" jaehyun said

" jaehyun i hav—"

" oh and im gonna flex my skill infront of you i know you gonna love it cause im your perfect boyfriend you ever got" and he wink

' damn damn how is this can happens to me what should i do ah!' you said in your mind

" jae—"

" ah Jieun ah i have to go i kinda late bye i love you!!" jaehyun said and run

"" you said and slap your forehead

lunch time —

you were busy putting stuff in locker and then someone trapped you and you who is it

" hey babe" jaehyun said

" uh jaehyun.." my heartbeat so fast

" aw your face are so cute! can i bite them?" jaehyun questioned

" jaehyun no" you chuckled

" let's lunch baby" he said and put his hands around your shoulders

suddenly you saw winwin you felt panic that time you worried if winwin gonna open the topic that both of you gonna hangout

same time as jaehyun have a training

i want to tell jaehyun myself or aaah!!!

don't forget to vote luv xoxo! 💚

so there's lot of things happen in twitter yesterday it was the i almost kinda disappointed but nah now its okay!

also i have a lots of things with school stuff its stress me out pshh it gonna make me cry hsgs but i have to try harder phew :))

and happy bb junkyu day!! (Treasure) 🐨💙

have a nice day!!!! ❤️

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