Chapter 36

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" guys, don't you think that jaehyun and haein is together?" ask johnny at the members infront of him in a basketball rest room

" ah meolla meolla what i know is i hate it" said jungwoo while pout

" ah this is bad" mark said and sigh

" ehem ehem, i am lee haechan want to say that haein try to get jaehyun hyung back but jaehyun hyung doesn't want her!" haechan said confidently

haechan also tell what he saw and experience


" yah did you really want to do that?" jinsol said to haein

" of course! i want to make her suffer " haein said in a evil way

" as expected our haein " lara said and pat haein shoulder like she is a boss

end of flasback —

" ah but you heard that part, how can you said she has something to do with Jieun" taeyong said try to be positive

" ah hyung! also i heard,,,," haechan continues the flasback


" oh what if jaehyun mad at you who knows he already mad love at that smart girl" lara said at haein

" shut the fk up let him be, he wouldn't know cause what i will do is i will make Jieun look bad on jaehyun eyes" haein said and smirk

lara and jinsol amazed by her words and plans

end of flassback —

" right!!?" haechan said

all the members really speechless and shocked by what haechan just said, they can't believe that haein is bad but make it double

" we should solve this face to face" yuta said he already feels mad

" when should we do?" taeil ask

" after lunch? Or the end of school time?" mark ask

" after school" yuta said and all members just agreed with it

the teacher in my class is not come in yet so i was play with fhone while nothing to do at this time

one message from jaehyun dumb

Jaehyun :
" let's meet after school"
"can you at least say hi or something?"
" i know im wrong okay"
" im sorry"
" you doing well huh?"
" yah shortie answer me"

" excuse me im not short and i  don't have time to meet you"

Jaehyun :
" finally! after a week! Jieun im sorry"
" just meet me after school"

Jieun :
" no i don't want, aren't we already over with the deals and don't think anything else i was not mad or what im just busy"

Jaehyun :
" Please meet me  i want see you"
" we can still contact even the deal is end"
" and i want to talk to you"


Jaehyun is crazy also he is weird oh god please take me far from him

after that you power off the fhone and study

the school time was over —

" ahh finally i can go home yay ! " you said in tired way

you packed all stuff and straight to locker to put some things suddenly you saw haein and her minions lara and jinsol

infront of your locker

waiting for you maybe..

im so sorry for late updates i have school :) anyways don't forget to vote!!! 🥺❤️

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