Chapter 39

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"OF COURSE WE ARE FINE HAHAHA" taeyong said awkwardly

" so where are we going? restaurant right to celebrate mark lee birthday yey!" you said with excited mood

" uh Jieun—" taeil stop his words

" let's go?" all of them seems uncomfortable and you saw it

" why? is there something wrong?" Jieun ask them

" of course not!! kajaa kajaa "  myungsoo said

arrived at the restaurant not so fancy restaurant okay —

we all seated together at a long and big table since we kinda many after we done order the food we chit chat some random things and talk about old time

you were sat between myungsoo and jungwoo

" guys! " all eyes on one person and that person you were really hate it wait its not just one person it was two!

" damn why does haein come stupid jaehyun " johnny slap his forehead

i feel time has go slow motion again but this time you want to punch him

he is so ugly then you huff

you and him make eyes contact for a second, and why did i ever look at him ah!

"ahh hyuNGGgg why did you invite haein too ahhh!!!!" haechan said loud and clear for her to hear

" jaehyun ask me to follow hi—" jaehyun stop haein from talking with just shuh her its annoying

all members went "pfft"

" taeyong i will tell you after this" jaehyun whisper to taeyong who sat beside him and he nodded

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUU" we all start singing as soon as the cake arrived Jieun record it to make it as memories

" make a wish!" winwin said

mark blow the candle after he already make a wish and we all start eating again also we taste the cake nyum nyum

Jieun was about to cross her legs but then accidently Jieun legs bump with jaehyun legs who sat infront of you

both of you look at each other, you quickly stare at others things

" jaehyun oppa i want cakeuuu~" haein clingy while smirk at me

" take it yourself" jaehyun said sarcasticly

In a second haein become quiet because she was embarrassed, well she deserves it

"guys! let's take a picture together!!" mark said happily

" let's goo!!" taeyong said

" uh but who is gonna take the picture for us?" doyoung ask and the members start thinking

" just ask haein noona to take it" haechan said and smirk

" what?! Me? No i want to be in the picture!" haein said while whining

" no uh you can't" yuta said

" Jieun noona come!!" haechan said and drag me

" y-yah let me take—" you words got cut

" just comeee hereee" johnny said and you getting drag again

Johnny drag you and stand beside him without you realise jaehyun was beside you

" uh johnny can we change place?" you ask johnny

" aigoo just sit here you are smoll you have to be see in the picture!" johnny said and i can feel that on purpose

in a mean time you stand between johnny and jaehyun

" ah ppallii!!!" haein said annoying while hold the camera

aftet that we all go home we really have fun and i am so comfortable to be friends with them

taeyong and jaehyun part—

While we all eating both taeyong and jaehyun went to balcony to have some conversation

" taeyong she force me to bring her" jaehyun said

" yeah i know she really want you back jaehyun that's why she want to follow you everywhere huh psycho" taeyong said and huff

" taeyong don't say tha—"

" are you stupid? you blind? her behaviour is bad since before you know her all student in the school know her a bully, a bad girl you still wanna said she isn't psycho?" taeyong attack jaehyun with words

" i know.." jaehyun said and feel bad for love her

" oh and aren't you try to get back with haein? what's now? well if you really want then all of us will not gonna hangout with you again " taeyong said

" what?! yah taeyong that's too much" jaehyun said shocked

" all of us on Jieun side you can go, Jieun can replace you anyways" taeyong said chuckled

" she weak our team will lose" jaehyun smile by hearing Jieun name

" you like her don't you?" taeyong ask in serious tone

" i-i uh i don't know after what she done to haein i can't even think" jaehyun said in frust

" jaehyun it's not her fault we all know the truth but you are very very stupid seriously though" taeyong said and he started to tell jaehyun everything

" crazy aaah! What should i do taeyong!!" jaehyun said

" yours problem i go in first" taeyong said and pat jaehyun back

Jaehyun just stare at the sky thinking if it was really haein fault jaehyun also can't stop thinking about Jieun

his feelings towards her is getting bigger but he still confused if he should just get mad at haein for doing that

" i will try to observe haein"

a late update kinda busy anyways uh kinda a boring chapter isn't needed more Jieun and jaehyun scenes heol heol 💚🥺

AND AFTER TWO YEARS WAITING FINALLY TREASURE ALREADY DEBUT ON 70820! my bias was junkyu and haruto!! and the others was bias wrecker hehe❤️❤️

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