Chapter 16

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" omma, appa im home! " Jieun said loud and walk upstairs to her room

"ah so tired" you said and lay on the bed still with school uniform

" let's check any update from my day6 oppa " you were about to check their update for these comeback but then

new messages from 01xxxxxxxxx!

you curious so you just open it and check the messages

unknown :
yow Jieun its me

                                                                                                             : Jieun
                                  what's who?  

unknown :
pabo its me jaehyun,
jung jaehyun
                                                                                                             : Jieun
                oh okay gonna save  
                                 just that right?

Jaehyun dumb:
Save my contact like " handsome jaehyun" basketball player jaehyun " or " perfect jaehyun "

                                                                                                        : Jieun
                                    no thanks

Jaehyun dumb :
ur so boring ugh bye!


he is so obbssesd with himself and you continuing to check and fangirl about your favourite boyband


" let's eat let's eat! " taeyong called jaehyun and others members to eat together

taeyong mom was asked to invite all his members for dinner that's why

after the dinner they all full and thanks to taeyong mom for the food, of course they will stay a little bit at taeyong house

" thanks mrs.lee!! " mark said

"mrs.lee food is JJANG!! " haechan said and showing his thumbs up at taeyong mom

" aigoo these kind man thank you " mrs.lee just smile shyly

" jaehyun hyung why are you keep on with fhone though is there something?" jungwoo ask

" ah nothing " jaehyun answer and smile

" don't lie you check on haein isn't it?" taeil said and all members went ' oh '

after jaehyun chat with Jieun he check on haein social media almost every day

" how did you guys know aish" jaehyun said and kinda embarrassed

" we know you bruh, you want to know what is she doing and all the stuff, just move on jaehyun" yuta  said

" yes jaehyun just move on " taeyong said hope for his friends move on

" and we all know her behaviour that she doesn't show to yo—" jaehyun cut mark words

" OkaAyY enough guys" jaehyun put his hands up like defend

I'll try to move on but i don't know why so hard

its a random that i put day6 as her favourite boyband, but yeah stan day6! all of their songs is JJANG!! no lie, almost all of their song i check out hehe ;)


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